X-Factor time

178 4 0

(2days later)

Harry POV:

"I can't believe we're actually here!" Miranda squeals as she jumps up and down.

"I know me too! I'm really nervous though I mean what if they don't like my song."

"Harry trust me they will I've heard you sing and your amazing now come on let's go to the sign in table."

As we were walking I see a couple of lads in line that are about the same height as me and I think I've seen one of them get something from the bakery before.

"Name please?" The girl said with a huge smile. It was kinda creepy....

"Harry Styles."

"Yep here you go sweetie good luck!"

"Thank you."

I walked over to Miranda and held both of her hands.


"Yep I'm just nervous!" She said and I can feel her hands shaking a little.

"Miranda you'll be fine I promise! Lou and Niall are performing to and El and Skylar will be voting for all of us and will be in the audience!"

"Well I'm just terrified because of my past with showing my parents singing and now what if the same thing happens?"

She started shaking even more and was hypervenalating a little bit.

"Babe it's okay! Calm down no ones going to hurt you just do your best and put everything aside okay? I love you!"

"Love you too curly!"

She ran in and waited for her turn. I still had time they wanted to interveiw me.


After the interveiw I went inside and I see Miranda about to perform. She
Looks back and sees me with worried eyes. I gave her a thumbs up and she rolled her eyes.

"Next Contestant please." I hear Simon say.

"GOOD LUCK MANDY!!" I hear Louis yell behind me she gave him a fist and we laughed and she went on to the stage. We watched her from the back of the room with the Tv's.

Miranda POV:

As I get up on stage I smile and wave to the judges.

"Hello what's your name?" Simon said.

"My name is Miranda."

"What are you going to sing today for us?"

"The Way by Ariana Grande."

"Okay good luck."

Everyone started cheering and screaming. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and I started to sing.

But I didn't hear anything....no words were coming out....

I coughed and tried again and nothing happened.

"Are you okay?" Nicole said.

I tried to speak but I couldn't. Just when I thought I got my voice back I was wrong....

I pointed to my throat and everyone gasped.

"You can't speak?" Nicole says.

I nod my head yes and walked away in shame and start to cry. This was my one chance....one chance and my stupid voice just suddenly went away.

"Babe! What happened?!" Harry came over to me.

I point to my throat again.

"You can't speak again?"

I nodded my head yes with tears streaming down my face.

"Like you can't speak at all not even a little?" Louis asked.

I nodded my head no and Harry came over and put me in his arms. I start crying on his shoulder.

"Stop crying its okay! I won't audition."

I step back and give him an angry look.


I pointed to the stage.

"You want me to go?"

I nodded my head yes and walked away.

"Go mate she'll be fine I'll go talk to her."

"Thanks Lou."

"Next contestant out on the stage please." I hear Demi say.

That's me....

I take a deep breath and walk out on stage. I hear everyone scream so loud and I waved.

Simon: "What's your name?"

"Uh I'm Harry Styles."

Simon: "And what do you do Harry?"

"I work in a bakery and I'm goin to college."

Simon: "Okay that's good what are you going to sing for us today?"

"Erm I'm going to sing Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder."

Simon: "Okay good luck."

Isn't she lovely... Isn't she wonderful

Isn't she precious less than one minute old

And I never thought the love we'd be

and makin one as lovely as she

But isn't she lovely made from love.

When I was finished I looked out into the crowd and everyone was screaming and then I looked at the judges and waited for their answers.

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