I put the FUN in funeral

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Hey loves! Sorry I didn't update last Monday!! But im updating now and I know I told you I was going to go forward 3 months, but I realized I have to put the funeral part in here.  So this chapter will be short but im going to write a longer one afterwards.  Also after these two im probably going to write only two more after this and end this book :{ BUT DONT WORRY! Sequel will be coming !! Love you see you at the end !! :) xx


Miranda POV:

Everyone was giving me hugs and telling me that their sorry for my loss.  Some people here were my family I haven't seen since I was two and some people I have no clue who they were but that didn't matter. At least people cared for my parents.  We all sat down El by my side, I let out a shaky breath trying to hold back tears.  El put her hand on mine and smiled.  I gave her a small smile and paid attention to the priest.

"we are gathered here today for the passing of Mr. and Mrs. Summers-"  (Sorry really bad at last names)

Memories started to flood back in my head like a movie. I would smile to myself thinking about them. Like the time I first met them and they gave me my first iPhone and when they showed me the new house...man we did have a huge house.  Then a couple moths later I remembered they both got laid off their jobs, but they quickly regained and got normal jobs.  I was there for them then and they were always there for me.  I just cant comprehend the fact that they're dead.  I just cant believe that I don't have parents anymore.  I started to cry a little but quickly regained myself.  I didn't want to make a scene.

"They would also like to say a massive thank you to their daughter Miranda Summers, for being the best daughter in the world, and that they miss her deeply but they will always love her alive  or not.  Her father Jack Summers says to keep Harry, and that he is a very caring boy and to never leave him." Everyone looked at me, tears were streaming down my face as he read this.  I will keep this promise to my dad, I wont let him down.

"Amen." Everyone repeated and we all got up to say our good-bye's.  I was the last one in line and to my surprise the line went pretty quick and finally I was there all alone. Until I heard footsteps right behind me.  I spin around and gasp he was here.


"Harry what are you-"

"I came here because you need someone right now. And I wanted to say good-bye to your lovely parents. I heard what your dad wanted me to do, and I promise you I will keep his promise."

I hugged him tight and cried into his shoulder.  This is exactly what I needed right now.

"You wanna say a few words to them?" he asked and I nodded.

"You want me to leave you alone?"

I shook my head no and walked over to the two caskets holding my parents.

"Hi mom, dad, im going to miss you so much. And I love you with all my heart and nothing will ever change that."

I kissed them both on the cheek "Dad Harry and I will keep your promise, don't worry."

"I'll take care of her sir. Don't worry, I love her with all my heart." I smiled up at him and looked at my parents one last time. I let out a shaky sigh and we walked out together hand in hand.

We walked outside and I see the rest of the boys standing there in their suits. They spot me and Liam was the first one to come over and hug me tight.

"im so sorry M." he said quietly.

"Thanks Li."

I walk over to the rest and they all gave me hugs but Louis was the one who lasted the longest.  He's like my brother and him to see me like this I guess is hard for him.

"Mandy im so sorry." he said sadly and I nodded.

"Thanks Lou."

I walked back over to Harry and he kissed the top of my head softly.

"Okay everyone we will be heading over to the graveyard so just follow the black car."

They all dispersed to their cars. Harry put his arm around my lower back as he guided me to his car.

"You okay baby doll?"

I shook my head no as we headed off following the other cars.

"I know you have to leave after this.." I said quietly. He let out a big sigh and put hand on my small thigh.

"Yes I do. and im terribly sorry but I don't have to go back for two hours so by the time we get home it will be 12:00 so I have till 2."

"Well that's not so bad." I said smiling weakly.

"Yeah two hours is better than nothing."

We got out of the car and followed everyone to the two caskets.

I said a few words and some others did too as we all dispersed back into our cars. I started to cry even harder.  Harry pulled me close to him and started to stroke my hair.

"Shhhh... M its okay."

It really wasn't though. Every single thing was gone. My life is ruined and it will never be the same. Never.

"I-I miss t-them." I choked out as I sat back up in my seat.

"Me too. Why don't we go home and cuddle okay?"

See now this is why I love him.

I nodded and we drove off. 

As we entered my house I told him I was going upstairs to change. I walked up my wooden stairs and put on some comfy black shorts with a white-V-neck Harry had given me.  I walk downstairs and curl up next to him as we watched Friends.

"You feeling better beautiful?"

I looked up at him "Yeah a little. Thanks for coming Haz, it really means a lot."

"Your welcome, I wanted to comfort you because I know this would've been a hard day for you."

I kissed him on the lips and let go but he instantly pulled me back and things started to get heated.

"I-I'm sorry I forgot you didn't want-"

"I want to."

His eyes widened and he chuckled.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I want to do this....I-I'm ready."

"Okay I love you."

"Love you too curly."

He smiled and we started again.


Hey lovesssss! OMG 4.7K READS?!?!?!?!?!?!? THANK YOU SO MUCHHHHH! So here is your chapter and I hope you like it.! Its kind of a filler chapter but yeah.  Anyway I will be ending this soon as you know and I need help with a name for the sequel! so if you have any ideas you can DM me on twitter @gill_loves_1d and also you can follow my instagram @narryisbeautiful !! Okay I will see you next Monday I PROMISE!!

Love ya xx

~Gill <3


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