Back For You

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Miranda POV:

*3 weeks later*

Well here I am three weeks later. Sitting in my house Eleanor watching my every move. She's now living with me because of what happened. She's so paranoid that I'm going to either cut or not eat again. I said I was never going to but she doesn't believe me. Her mum and dad said I could love with them, but El decided we should have a place to ourselves. My life is now torn apart. My parents died my boyfriend is 2000 miles away from me and nothing is the same anymore. I decide to walk quietly to my mum and dad's room. Everything was just as it was left. I look around brushing my hand against the dull green bed sheets. I look at their dresser and I see my mums jewelry and my dad's glasses case. When I was about to walk away something caught my eye. I walk back and find a picture...of the three of us. Me when I was about three and them too. We were somewhere tropical I could tell. They're were palm trees in the background and my mum was wearing a beautiful floral dress and my dad was wearing a black V-neck with blue swim trunks. I was wearing a princess bathing suit and smiling as wide as i could. I didn't fully remember the memory but I knew I was happy and that's all that mattered. I smiled a tear slipping from my eye. I quickly wipe it away and leave the room and take one last look before shutting the kith off and closing the door behind me.
I go back into my room and get some clean clothes set them on the sink of the bathroom and took a shower. I then dry myself off and put my clothes on and slightly curl my hair and put on a tiny bit of make-up. Then I walk out finding Eleanor with a big smile on her face.

"What's that big grin about?" I asked confused.

"Nothing! C'mon let's go somewhere."

"El you know I don't like surprises."

"C'mon let's get breakfast please!"

"Ughh fine." I groan and take my phone and grab my wristlet and walk out with El to her car.
We drove listening to "A Team" by Ed Sheeran.
It was silent the whole ride. But I didn't mind.

"Alright were here." El said unbuckling her seat belt. I look up and see were at....a beach?

"Eleanor?" I said getting out of the car. "Why are we at a beach?"

"Well you know there's a resturaunt two minutes away if you walk so I want to take you there." She smiled. I could tell she was hiding something.

"Alright let's walk." I don't even bother to take off my converse.
I walk and walk sand seeping into my shoes. I kept my head down looking at the ocean once in awhile.

"Miranda." It took me a minute but I realized that voice. That raspy voice. I look up and gasp. Harry...he was there! And a picnic set-up on the beach!

"Harry?" I ask smiling still amazed by what I'm seeing.

"Come here princess." He says opening his arms. I run and jump into his arms. He holds me tight and I do the same. The smile grew wider on my face. I can't believe he's actually here!

"Miss me?" He said smirking him still holding me.

"Yes! Oh my god how are you here?!"

"Well our concerts here and I wanted to surprise you because ya know how much you love surprises!" He says in a sarcastic voice.

"Haha very funny." I giggled and he set me down.

"Eleanor did you help him?"

"Yeah I came here early at 2:30. He would non stop call me. This boy...well he loves you a lot M."

"Thanks El." I said giving her a hug and she soon left.

We then sat down having a nice breakfast. He brought ego waffles some syrup bacon bagles butter flowers pretty much everything!

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