Shocking Past

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Miranda's POV:

I kept looking at the clock to see if its getting any closer to eight o'clock but as always it's not. I sighed and locked my phone and stood up. I look at my mirror and smile, then i remembered El was at the store so this would be a perfect time to do this. I walked carefully to the mirror and looked around, and sure enough there they were. They stood beside me like always and i started to talk. The weird thing was i couldn't see them without the mirror but i can hear everything they're saying. It's like Harry Potter! As they were talking to me i hear the front door shut and i realized Eleanor was home. My dad and my mom looked at each other nervously. "Miranda, honey. Were not real. This is your imagination okay?" My mom said sadly. No...No...NO. "B-But mom I-" "Sweetheart were not real this isn't Harry Potter okay?, but we love you very much and we miss you. Harry and Eleanor will take care of you. You'll see us on Monday okay?" my dad said putting his hand on my shoulder. Tears streaming down my face i nodded and told them i loved them. They disappeared as soon as El walked in. "Hey M i got the...." her face dropped as soon as she saw me. Her arms squeezed me tight and i did the same with her. I cant believe i was just imagining this whole time. I should've known. Spirits aren"t real. But then i is.

"M what happened are you okay?" she gave me a worried look and i nodded.

"No you're not. C'mon lets go sit."

i wiped the mascara off my eyes and sat down on the little couch thing by my window sill. I looked up in the sky and saw a plane flying, which made me even cry harder.

"Shhh M its okay. Tell me whats wrong you'll feel better."

I shook my head no and continued to cry. I love El and i know shes just trying to help me but i want to be alone.

"Please M?"

"C-Can i be alone f-for a c-couple o-of minutes? im sorry." i whispered wiping the tears off my face.

"Sure ill be downstairs" she hugged me one last time and closed the door behind her. I started to cry and cry and cry. Nothing is ever going to get better for me. My parents spirits werent real, my boyfriend and my best friends are away for three freaking months, and i just dont even know what to do to with myself. Yeah i have El and im greatful for that, really greatful actually. If she wasnt here, i dont think i would be. But what i just dont understand is, is why im so broken. People tell me it's going to get better, but i dont see that happening. One bad thing leads to another. Im so damaged, no one can put my puzzle pieces together, im so hard to figure out. Its just the pieces in my life dont fit, they're all scattered. I keep trying to connect them and see if I get a clue to whats going to happen or just if one day I'll be happy again. But it almost seems like when i try to put it together, i get all fustrated and clueless and just do something stupid. But i guess i have to live with that for awhile. i looked out my window not daring to look up because i will cry again. i look at the cars passing by my house. Theyre all blasting music and having a good time. I sigh and get up and walk over to my mirror and realize i dont have the comfort of my parents anymore. i shook it off and grabbed one of m make-up wipes and started to wipeoff the mascara stains. I then re-applied the mascara and brushed out my hair and put it up into a side pony-tail. i open my door and walk down the stairs into the living room to find El sitting watching tv. i look down at the table and see two cups of hot tea sitting there. oh i love her so much.

"Hey." i say quietly sitting on the opposite side of the couch. "Thanks for making the tea."

"no problem. i know you love tea." she smiled and turned off the tv.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

i drank the hot tea and sighed. "I do, but not right now. i just need time to think it through." she nodded and we both sat there in silence.

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