Rough Life

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Harry POV:

"Miranda? Miranda? Wake up!" I said shaking her. She awoke and rubbed her eyes.

"Where are we?" She asked in her morning voice.

"We slept over night in the park by accident!"

"WHAT?!?" Miranda screamed.


"No they won't because I called them."

"And what did they say?!??"

"They said.....erm we are still together and everything and your dad was happy that I took care of you."

I saw in Miranda's face that she was relieved.

"Thank god!"

"I know right!"

"I'm starving." Miranda said.

"Yeah me too. Wanna go to I hop?"


As we walked to I Hop Miranda called her parents and told her where were going for Breakfast.

"They said it was okay." Miranda said.

"Good! And I will pay for everything!"

"No Harry! I will pay for m own food."

"Miranda it's okay I will pay."

"Styles I will pay."

"Miranda I WILL PAY!" I said.

"Okay fine. Thank you Harry."

She gave me a kiss on the cheek.

(At I Hop)

Miranda POV:

Harry and I got a table and say down. The waitress came by.

"May I take your order?"

"Yes I will have AHHHH!" I screamed.

Everyone was starring at me.

"Babe what's wrong?!?!?" Harry said with worry in his eyes.

I closed my eyes and looked at the waitress again. But it was a diffrent face.

"Oh uh sorry saw a spider."

"Oh okay you had me worried there." The waitress said.

"So what will you have?"

"I will h-have an omelette with bacon and an apple juice please."

"And I will have a bagel and bacon and an apple juice also." Harry said.

"Okay be right back!"

The women walked away and my hands were shaking and I was feeling light headed.

"Miranda why did you scream?"

"I told you I saw a spider."

"That doesn't seem true to me."

"Well it is..." I said in an aggrevated tone.

"Oh okay don't need to be mean."

Harry said with a smirk.

I couldn't help but smile.

"There's that beautiful smile I know." Harry said.

The women brought back our food and I saw her face and I jumped.

Then I rubbed my eyes and it was the same face before when I rubbed my eyes.

"Here you go! Anything else?"

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