Love Song <3

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Harry POV:

After our exciting moment Miranda and I were talking about what song we were going to sing. "I'm going to sing The Way by Arianna Grande." Miranda told me. "That's cool! I'm going to sing Isn't she Lovely by Stevie Wonder." "Oh yeah I love that song!" "Yeah me too." Then we say together and watched tv. I had my arm around Miranda and she layed her head on my shoulder. Then I remembered something. Heights Pizza has karaoke night tonight! We had to sing together. "Hey babe?" "Yes Haz?" I never knew why she called me Hazza but I liked it. "Erm do you want to go get something to eat at Heights?" "Sure! Let me get my coat." We walked downstairs and she told her mom she was going to Heights Pizza and we left. I look up and I see a billion stars in the sky. It was beautiful and I look down at Miranda and so was she. We were holding hands on the way there and laughing and talking. We finally got to Heights and we ordered our food and watched as people sang on stage. Most of them were okay but a lot of them weren't. "Okay anymore volunteers?" The man said.  

"I would like to sing." I said. Miranda had a scared expression on her face. "Okay let's give it up for...."  

"Harry " I said. "What are you doing?" She said. "You'll see!" 

"Hi my name is Harry and over there is my beautiful Girlfriend Miranda, and I'm going to sing a song I wrote to express my feelings for her." Her face was red and she was smiling. "Okay here it goes."

"You're insecure

Don't know what for

You're turnin heads when

walk through the door

Don't need make up

To cover up

Being the way that you are

Is enouugh

Everyone else in the room

Can see it everyone else

But you

Baby you light up my world

like nobody else the way

that you flip your hair gets

me overwhelmed but when

you smile at the ground it

ain't hard to tell you don't

know oh oh you don't know

your beautiful oh oh that's

what makes you beautiful!"

"That's all I got so far." The crowd was cheering so loud I could see Miranda crying but it was a good cry she ran over to me and gave me a hug.

Miranda POV:

"Harry that song was amazing!! I can't believe you made that just for me!" 

"Well I wanted you to know that so why not put it into a song!" Harry said. Smiling cheekily. "Harry I love you!" "I love you to babe!" Harry and I walked out of Heights holding hands. He walked me home and we kissed.  

"MIRANDA?!?!? WHAT IS THIS?!?" I heard a manly voice say. As I turn around I saw my dad...... He saw Harry and I kissing....


Hey loveys!!! I had writers block so this is a really short chapter! Sorry!! But thankyou sooooo much for 155 reads!! #FANGIRLING!! I love you guys so much!!! I know this isn't how What Makes You Beautiful was written but it just fits in the story!


Follow my one direction fanpage on Instagram!! 


Love you guys so much!!!

~Gillian Stypayhprlikson

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