3rd place but won everything

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Harry's POV:

After the whole thing that just happened we were snuggling on the couch.  She looked up at me and smiled "Thank you."  I chuckled and kissed her head "Your welcome babe, I had fun."  She laughed and told me she did too.  It was her first time and to be honest it was mine too. But it went perfectly....yeah.

"Harry its 1:30! You have to go!"

"Yeah....I guess so." I stood up and grabbed my bag and saw the car pull up in front.

"I'll miss you so much!" she said putting her hands around my neck.

"Me too princess. I love you."

"Love you too....and um thanks for everything with the funeral and that other thing."

I smiled and kissed her passionately before opening the door and closing it carefully behind me.  I walked over to the black van and put my bag in the trunk and open the door.

"Hey mate! How are you?" Liam said giving me a smile.

"Good bro. Just depressed that I have to leave her..."

"Me too, don't worry mate it will get better.  Its hard leaving El all the time." he put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile.  I smiled weakly as I looked out the window and see Miranda staring at the car.  I waved good-bye and so did she.  We started the drive and I kept looking back at the house until we turned the corner.

I sighed and pulled out my phone and went on twitter. I see all the girls commenting stuff like:

Harry kiss me! YOURE SO HOT!

I love you Harry! be my boyfriend? ;)

Cant wait to see you boys tonight! you totally got the X-Factor! :*

I smiled at the last one but to all the others I didn't care.  I already have a beautiful girlfriend.  I mean I love all the fans don't get me wrong! It's just if they tell me kiss me or other things I don't care because I have M.  Anyway once we got to the airport it was 2:15 and our flight was at 3:30 so we had time to roam around.

"Any of you boys hungry?" Zayn asked and we all nodded.

"Alright there's a McDonalds here, what you boys want?"

We all told him what we wanted and he walked up with Niall.  I was listening to music and Louis was texting El and Liam was face-timing Danielle. Then I decided to tweet something.

Cant wait to perform tonight! Scared as hell but excited! ;) Vote for us!!! xx

A couple seconds later I had millions of retweets and favorites. I looked at the comments and replied to a few girls until one caught my eye and made me smile.

Good luck baby!! El and I will be watching love you ;) xx -M

I replied back saying:

@Miranda__ Thanks princess! Love you  too xx :) see you soon!

Within seconds girls were going crazy and saying AWWW! or some rude things like BREAK UP! BE WITH ME! or #bitch harry you can do better.

I shrugged it off and DM'ed her.

Don't worry about the comments babe I love you xx

I wont!! Love you too xx

I exited out and Zayn gave us our food and some girls spotted us and we took pictures and autographed for them.

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