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"B-But I thought you didn't know-"

"I realized when I fell asleep and had the dream. Then I knew what you were talking about...this doesn't mean anything."

I just shook my head and cried harder. Harry came out of the room and sat next to me letting me cry into his chest.
The others soon went back inside and Harry and I just sit there silent.
He kissed the top of my head and I looked up at him.

"Wanna go for a walk princess?"

I nodded and we both walked down hand in hand and stepped outside into the cold summer air.

"Going back to school I'm a couple of weeks?"

"Yeah...senior year." I whispered and Harry stopped and put his hands on my waist.

"I'm gunna miss you.." He said wrapping his arm around my waist instead.

"Me too."

"Here let's take a drive."

"Where are we-"

"Just trust me...okay?"



Once we got into the car and turned left I knew exactly where he was taking me.

"Remember this way babe?" He asked.

"Yeah, but why are you taking me here? Remember what happened last time?"

"Yes but it's somewhere to take your mind off things. And were alone here."

He parked the car and opened my side and he took my hand and we sat by the lake.
All the memories flooded back from the X-Factor but I tried to keep myself from not crying anymore.

"Nothing is real M..."

I turned and furrowed my eyebrows.


"This whole dream thing, it's not real. Just because our friends had this dream and we did doesn't mean we're going to."

I sighed and grabbed his other hand intertwining it with mine.

"I know Harry. I don't want to leave you, never in a million years would I want to."

"Same here."

"But I just, I don't know it feels weird. Our friends and us having the same dream as us it's just weird. I don't know if something is telling us or whatever but I'm just confused."

"Don't be confused, just forget about it. Don't think of the negative things be optimistic babe. Nothing is going to separate us."

"What about tour?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well you're always away and I mean I'm extremely happy for you don't get me wrong it's just I miss you too much. What if that breaks us?"

"It's not. I'm going to Skype you and-"

"I know Harry but it's not the same. I want to be in your arms every second and never let go, but now I won't hug or kiss you or even see you right in front of me for several months."

"No please Miranda stay with me.."

"Harry I-"

"We can make this work I promise babe please you're my true love don't do this to me..." He whispered tears threatening to fall.
Mine have already.

"It's just so hard and I love you too but maybe this is best for-"

He smashed his lips against mine and I tried to pull away so I could talk but his grip was too strong.

"Harry.." I said against his lips but he didn't respond.
He just kept kissing me and holding me.

"You'" He pressed his forehead against mine.
I sighed and cupped his cheek.
A tear slipped down mine and he kissed it away.

"I think we need to do this..."

He started crying and got up and stormed away from me.

"FUCK!" He yelled pulling on his hair and pacing.

"Harry calm-"


The last one he said broke me and I just sat on the ground my head in my hands.

"Miranda I-"


"No please baby I didn't please I'm I'm I'm sorry..."

He went to go touch me but I moved away from him and ran back home.
I heard Harry's car get started and I ran away, running as fast as I could.

"MIRANDA!" He yelled but I just flicked him off and kept running tears falling my vision filled with my tears.


I was in front of my house and I just slammed the door and as I was about to lock it Harry swung it open causing me to fall to the ground.

"SHIT!" He cursed and sat beside me.

"Get...away..." I whispered sobs escaping my lips.

"No Miranda I'm not leaving you."

"Well I'm leaving you Harry..."

His eyes were wide and tears just spilled onto his cheeks.

"Bitch hell no."

I shouted and slapped him across the face. Blood rushed from his cheek and he got up and I stood with my arms crossed.

"I'm sorry Miranda...just know that I will always love you and I will not be with anyone else or be able to live without you."

I calmed down a bit to talk softly
"Harry I'm sorry I just I can't deal with you leaving tomorrow and being gone for a whole ten months."

"You think it's easy for me?"

"No..." I said quietly and kept my head down. I could feel him staring at me.

"So were done?" His voice cracked.

"Now Harry this doesn't mean we won't be together again. We will I promise just think of this as a break."

" in breaking your fathers promise?" He spat and I shot my gaze up at him.

"I'm not breaking anything Harry.
My dad said for you to stay with me, can we please be friends?" I said sternly and he just nodded.

"Fine. But just to let you know
Best friend I am in love with you and I will be in love with you until the day I die. You've stolen my heart and I can't get it back."

"I love you Harry..." He wiped the tears from my cheeks and gave me one last kiss.

"I love you too.."

"Don't forget me?" I asked before he went out the door.

He gave me a small smile

"How can I forget someone who gave me so much to remember?"

Then he walked out the door and that was the last time I would see that boy in my house for a long time.


One Way Or AnotherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon