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I don't speak much, and many believe that I don't see what happens in the world. Given that they do see me, most don't actually talk to me except when they are alone or in their darkest hours. I however, notice them. Each and every person that still lives. I watch and await for something special to happen. Anything out of the ordinary. Anything at all.

To most, it is a long and tedious job, but I was put here for a reason. And I respect my role and purpose. While on the job, I encounter many things. Children exploring the way. Teenagers running away. Adults going about the way. And sadly, a few elders leaving the way.

Through the years, I've seen things, both good and bad. Sometimes I wish I could help those who need it. But that was never my job. My job is to find those who will help them. I've been searching the Earth for thousands of years, trying to find bad people doing bad things in the world. And when I do, I find the good people who will stop them. And I cannot choose just any person with a good soul.

I have to be showed the kindness. I have to see the reason. Because when the time comes, will they sacrifice themselves? Or will they run, and leave the others in the faces of danger?

That is why the guardians are here. To protect. But one guardian in particular, with snow white hair and icy blue eyes caught my attention. He was young when he made the commitment to join. Or at least when he saved his sister. I couldn't have made him a guardian quite yet. But I couldn't let him slip away.

That's why I made him immortal and gave him powers. He was so confused and scared. But I was always there waiting for the time to come.

Pitch I knew would return after the Dark Ages, and I didn't know how long it would take. For all I knew at the time, he could come with an army centuries later. But that was not the case.

In the meantime, I watched the boy interact with the world. I observed him using his powers. He grew to love them and used them to have fun every day. To cover up the sadness he felt of no one seeing him. The guardians refused to see him, since he always played clever practical jokes on them. Bunny to be specific actually.

But on some cold winter nights, he would sit upon the towers of castles and little wooden homes and just watch me. Below him, he could hear the voices of boys and girls, laughing and enjoying each other. If Jack could not get a family, he at least wanted a girl to be with. A girl to love and be honest with. Someone who understood him. Although he never admitted it because of his care-free and cool reputation, I could always see it in his bright blue eyes. I could read his thoughts so easily like a book.

He was so open with me, yet I wouldn't answer back because I thought it was best. One night, when he was talking to me. He whispered why he couldn't have it. Why couldn't he have at least someone to be there? He stared at me for a while with his hood up and with pleading eyes. He even asked how he could do it. He sighed and flew away to the next village.

That was the last time he talked to me about it. Deep in my core, I admit that I felt a sharp pain. I admit, I sometimes regret making him immortal because of this talk. But to this day, I know it was for the best that I did it.

But... Magic existed. Pitch used it. All of the guardians used it. Those who wish to seek it, whether it's for good or bad purposes, somehow and sometimes find it.

That night, when Jack Frost flew away into the horizon, I decided to use some of my own magic for him. Well, not necessarily on him, but on an unborn girl. Then again, not exactly on her...

A.N: So that was the prologue guys, hoped you liked it. It's my first fanfiction and I know it was long but stay with me. Can you guess who the narrator is? More to come! Comment, vote, and spread the word. Stay frozen!

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