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"He looks so young for an old man," Olaf whispered not so secretly. "He's not my boyfriend. And Olaf, how can you see him?" Elsa asked. Olaf walked to Jack and tugged on the tips of his pants. "Jack and I have a lot in common. We like snow... And ice... And we're both alive I think," Jack looked down at the snowman. "How is he alive though? Do I know you?" He asked as he awkwardly patted Olaf's head. "Oh! Where are my manners? Hi! I'm Olaf! And I like warm hugs. Elsa made me last month. And here I am. You must be Jack Frost," He said confidently as he shook his hand. "Welcome to the family Jack. But please don't break Elsa's heart or else... You can't have a warm hug from me," He said with squinted eyes. "Well that answers my question," Jack said sarcastically. Elsa finished her food and went and began packing maps and a knife in her bag. "Well, ever since I came to Arendelle, I've been trying new things. Anna taught me to read and I read some of Elsa's fairytale books. I recognize you from the pictures. But you're so much younger in person Jack. Plus, it said that you had ice powers. Elsa has ice powers so I thought you were real. And you are. Elsa is the reason I believe technically." A small smile spread across Jack's face as he followed Elsa to the balcony. "Who knew that after all these years, I would find some people who actually believe in me," Elsa stared into the forest where Oaken's Trading Post and Sauna was. "It's not impossible Jack. It would happen eventually. Now I'll see you later," she walked away and put her bag down to pick up some more maps. Neither Jack or Elsa noticed Olaf and his cloud crawl into the bag. "Where are you going?" Elsa picked up her bag and stuffed the maps inside and barely noticed the extra weight. "To Wandering Oaken's. I have to give him this store license so he can open up here in Arendelle. Now if you excuse me," she raised her arms and her sparkling blue gown changed into a knee length blue dress with sparkles. "Whoa! How'd you do that?" Elsa smiled. "With practice. I'll be downstairs getting some food for the trip. Stay in the castle and see if you can figure out how it went at the feast," "Wait! Why can't I come?" Jack asked hopefully. "Like I said before... Nice alone time. Come on Frost, you're tougher than that." She added. And just like that, she left the room. Jack sighed and climbed onto his staff. Then, a wave of realization crossed over him. "Where's the snowman?" Jack looked around the room. For a few seconds, he was dead serious, but then he just shrugged it off.

A.N: Okay, so the chapter name is terrible. I'll try to update this chapter later cause it's not that great. But hang in there. I don't know what to call you, like there are Lovatics and Sheerios. For some reason, I want to call you my Disney freaks (it's a compliment and I've been one since birth. Haha) Let me know if you have a good name. Comment, follow, and vote. Stay frozen!

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