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When morning finally came, I was proud to see my plan in motion. Elsa was still lying on her pile of pillows and right next to her was none other than Jack Frost. They were both asleep and their heads were resting against each other's. Although Jack's magical ice staff was still in his grasp. A wind came so suddenly from the balcony that it shut the balcony doors very loudly. Both their eyes shot open at once. They saw that it was only the doors that shut so they relaxed. But a few seconds later, they both realized what they were doing and they both screamed. Elsa scrambled away from him and fell off the bed. Jack yelled and looked shocked. Elsa got up and smoothed her hair and dress, trying to make the moment a little less awkward than it already was. "What happened?" She asked worriedly. Jack rubbed his eyes and stretched. "Well, we were just talking, and then you fell asleep. And you were squirming and talking in your sleep. So I tried to comfort you I guess and then I fell asleep..." He trailed off and realized how odd but kind that was. "Umm, thanks? What was I saying?" She asked casually. But I could see a frightened look in her eye. "Something like 'Please leave her alone. Don't hurt her. Please don't kill me. Don't kill me,'" He finished. Elsa bit her lip. She had never told anyone that she was still haunted by the fact that Hans tried to hurt Anna and kill her. Even though she was saved, she didn't want to die. Hans was one of her fears, and not even Anna knew. Nor Jack. "Oh, probably just a random nightmare," She walked towards a bell on the wall and rang it. "Don't worry about it," Jack didn't believe her but he simply nodded. "So what are you doing?" He asked as he walked into the large, wooden wardrobe. "I don't feel like going down for breakfast. I'm just going to eat here," She cleared her mahogany desk and made space. "What are you looking for Jack?" She asked when she heard a rustle in her wardrobe. "Some fashionable clothes. Why are all of these one shade of blue? You need some more color," Elsa snorted. "Who made you the fashion expert?" She walked to the wardrobe and looked inside. All of her outfits were an icy shade of blue. But to her they were so familiar and gorgeous. Knock! Knock! "Aren't you going to hide?" Elsa asked. "Invisible remember?" Jack said without looking up. "Right." Elsa remembered. Elsa went and opened the door. "You rang your majesty," a maid bowed in front of her. "Yes, will you bring me my breakfast and my schedule?" The maid nodded. But before she left she said, "Actually Lawrence told me to give you this message. He cleared your schedule so you can give the store license to Oaken's store. It will be a long trip, so he assembled a team to escort you." She thought for a moment and then answered, "You know what? Tell Lawrence that I can go myself and to cancel the team. No matter what he says, I am going myself and will be gone until nine o clock tonight. If my schedule is clear, then I would like some time for myself. I will leave this afternoon. Please prepare my horse." The maid nodded again and went off. "Finally." She sighed as she went to her drawers and found her bag. "Finally what snowflake?" "I mean finally, I'll be able to go somewhere to enjoy nature and relax," Jack coughed, "Nerd!" Elsa smiled at the playful insult and opened the door again to see if her breakfast was there. Olaf was carrying her breakfast and grinning. "Good morning Elsa. Here's your breakfast. Bacon, eggs, and hot cocoa," He walked into the room with Elsa. "Whoa! You're room is huge Elsa. Anna lets me stay with her but yours is bigger!" "Thanks Olaf." Elsa said. She didn't worry that Jack was out of the wardrobe and looking at some of the paintings on the wall. "Hey Elsa guess what!" Olaf asked. Elsa happily shrugged and drank her cocoa. Olaf pulled out a carrot from his snow and gave it to Elsa like a rose. "I picked it from the garden myself," he giggled. "Thank you Olaf." She hugged him and Olaf blushed. "How adorable." Jack said. Elsa looked up and made a sarcastic face. Olaf turned around and gasped, the cloud above his head snowed harder. Olaf whispered, "Elsa... I never knew you had a boyfriend."

A.N: Thanks again guys, I love writing this. Comment, vote, and spread the word. I'll post later I hope. Check out my other stuff and love Disney. Stay Frozen :)

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