First Impressions

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Anna was bouncing on her heels excitedly, when Elsa finally met her by the gates. Her mouth dropped open at her stunning outfit, and she grinned widely, making Elsa blush slightly. But she couldn't hide the small frown that was written on her thin red lips. "Elsa? Are you alright?" Anna hesitantly asked. Her grin was erased when she saw her sister's worry and sadness. Elsa noticed her concern and immediately smiled. "Oh yes. Just nervous that's all. It's not even noon, and I don't even know what you're doing or planning. And the worst part is that I had to take a day off. Arendelle can only run without a queen for so long." she faked a laugh before realizing that she was babbling like a brook. "Oh well okay then. I can completely understand. What with that creepy Ms. Herring taking up our day yesterday, and my psycho ex fiancé still on the loose. Haha! There's a lot to focus on. Oh..." Anna bit her lip when she saw Elsa's horrified expression. She was trembling slightly, like she was shivering. "Umm, I think it's about time we meet up with the guys. Come on Elsa! Love awaits!"
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Watch the hair Kristoff I'm sensitive." Hiccup whined as his wild hair was being tamed. "I've noticed," Kristoff replied. He tilted his head to the side and moved a strand of brown hair from his freckled face. "Nothing we can do about that mess. But it kind of suits you Hic. Now the finishing touch," Kristoff bent over and picked up an old screwdriver that was lying next to the bedside table. He knelt down and tightened the peg leg even more. "Hey! Easy! It's a very delicate device! It can't be tightened any more dude. It's not going to fall off!" Hiccup swatted him away with his hand. "Fine, but if it falls off in the middle of the date and Elsa freaks, just know that I tried to warn you," he blew a strand of blonde hair from his eyes and mumbled. "For a chief of a village of grumpy Vikings, you're pretty dainty." He sighed, but grabbed Hiccup by the shoulders and dragged him to the mirror on the wall. He wore black armor made of leather and metal. It had too many gadgets and gizmos on it in Kristoff's opinion. But his peg leg made him look edgy and friendly at the same time. The small amount of stubble on his chin showed his maturity, and almost distracted from the faded mysterious scar on his chin. "Hmm, not too bad chief." Kristoff smirked. "I think you're about ready... Wait! You're not quite prepared yet! You're missing something!" He called. "And what exactly am I missing?" Hiccup questioned. "This." Kristoff replied with a straight face. With a quick sweeping motion of his hand, Kristoff smacked the side of Hiccup's face. "Oh! Ooow! Why would you do that?" He yelled as he clutched his cheek with his hand. "You're bound to say something stupid Hiccup. So it's best if you get used to the slap when Elsa does it." He said. "Ugh," he rubbed the side of his face. "I'm really starting to regret doing this I guess. And we haven't even gone out yet. What are we going to do? You haven't told me anything about today." He informed him. "I'm not telling you until-" KNOCK! KNOCK! "Oh, that must be Anna now!" Kristoff started towards the door and toward the knob. As he predicted, Anna was standing there, alone. She hugged him and strut into the room without asking. "Hiccup! Chief! Hi! Hello! It's so nice to finally meet you! You look great! Elsa is outside waiting. But before you do anything," she took him be the shoulder and plopped onto the bed with him. "I'm not really sure how to do this, but I've seen it in lots of plays and books so..." She twiddled her thumbs, then suddenly grabbed Hiccup's collar and pulled him only a few inches from her face. "Listen chief. I don't know how it works on Berk, but let me tell you this, you can't just waltz around here and do whatever you want. Especially around Elsa. This is Arendelle. And you better not try anything Elsa. I'm her sister and you will feel my wrath of you hurt her. Nothing gets past me. Are we clear?" She asked with intense eyes. Hiccup was holding her breath and nodded quickly. "Excellent. Well let's go! Elsa is outside!" Her voice returned to its natural cheery tone. She jumped up and took Kristoff's arm. Hiccup releases his breath and slowly moved upwards with the rest of them. After making their way to the front entrance of the Arendelle inn, Kristoff and Hiccup saw their first glimpse of Elsa. "Nice job Anna." Kristoff whispered in Anna's ear. "I'll only accept that compliment if the first part of the plan works..." Hiccup's eyes sparkled when he saw Elsa. He gulped. Elsa smiled and blushed as she took in the chief's handsome looks. Definitely much less awkward then she had originally thought. For a few seconds they just stared at each other, trying to find the right words. Finally, Hiccup shook his head and slowly approached Elsa. She was immediately intrigued by his gently green eyes, light freckles, and the faded, yet noticeable scar. "Umm, hello!" He bowed before her. "Queen Elsa. Your majesty, it's in good to finally meet you." He took her hand, and looked up at her gorgeous blue eyes. She giggled a laugh that was as light as a feather. "I've been excited to meet you as well, Chief Hiccup. I would say 'shall we' but I'm not exactly sure what's going to happen. That doesn't happen very often though. Except with my powers." She smiled a little bit, but froze as if she said something wrong. Hiccup chuckled, "I get that. I wasn't exactly sure what was going to happen with my dragon." He gently squeezed her hand. "Hm, that's something we already have in common. That's new." She remarked. "This may sound a little cliche, but even though we just met, I have a feeling that today is going to go great. Elsa could feel her usual cold skin and heart warm up a bit. She breathed, "You know..." The way his hand seemed to fit perfectly in hers made her stomach flutter like butterflies. "I couldn't agree more. Hiccup." He grinned and kissed her pale hand. "I'll accept that compliment now Kristoff," they secretly high fived. Anna dreamily sighed as she watched both of them talk. "At this point, there is absolutely nothing that can get in the way of this date." Her eyes practically filled with hearts. However, she wasn't aware of the winter spirit that had begged her sister not to go out only minutes before. She wasn't aware of the white-haired boy that was glaring through the window behind her. Jealously that was brewing inside while he watching the chief and queen.

A.N: That was terrible. For some reason I haven't been feeling confident about my writing. But don't worry, it's probably because I'm too excited of what's going to happen next in the book. I can't wait for you to see it. Or read it, I should say. Anyway I hope you liked it. And by the way, in case I forgot, thank you all so much for 2k reads! It's amazing that you guys read my story! I love you guys so much. Anyways, if you liked what you read, please vote, comment, and follow me. Bye ya'll!

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