Shadow in the Night

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Elsa didn't get much sleep the night she returned home. Even though it was late at night. Perhaps the tears, hugs, and questions kept her up. Lawrence had hugged her and asked her millions of questions. She only answered one. That she wasn't hurt despite her arm being cut, and the emotional scars left behind. Anna almost strangled her when she accidentally knocked her over. "Elsa! Where have you been! We've turned the kingdom upside down looking for you!" She squealed as she hugged her older sister. Elsa didn't hesitate to hug her back. "It's late," she whispered into her ear. "I'll explain everything tomorrow. Good night Anna." She reassured as she got to her feet and smoothed her dress. "Almost everything." Elsa thought to herself. There was a lot of stuff that Anna didn't understand. She clutched her arm that still ached from the wound. "You are hurt!" Lawrence gasped as he stared at the dried blood. "It's fine, I'm alright." Elsa said. "No need to fuss over me or make any rash decisions." Lawrence protested, "But madam, time is crucial. Whoever did this to you can get away. You must tell us so we may hunt it down and capture the thing." Lawrence proposed. Elsa hesitated for a few seconds and thought about it. She took a breath and said, "If my captors run away, then that's a good thing. They can't hurt me or anyone in Arendelle. Now if you excuse me, I think we ALL need a good nights sleep. It's late." She yawned and stretched her arms and then left for the stairs with Anna on her toes. She was still dressed in her pink outfit for her date with Kristoff. Anna's eyes looked around awkwardly. Out of nowhere she began to whistle an old Arendelle folk song that every child learned at a young age. It was called 'It's a Small World' and got quite annoying after awhile. Elsa stopped and looked at Anna who was doing her worst to act natural. "Er, Anna... What are you doing?" She asked. Anna stopped whistling and very stealthily climbed back down the stairs on her tiptoes. "I'm trying to listen to Lawrence and Shang talking." She hissed as she put her finger to her lips. Elsa cracked a smile and pretended to be upset. "Anna," she began sarcastically. "Eavesdropping is wrong." She giggled a little. Anna put her hands on her hips and played along. "But Elsa!" She whined. "Alright, alright. Just don't get caught and tell me tomorrow." Elsa said as she turned to walk back to her room. Elsa was exhausted from the long and disturbing day. She changed into a light blue nightgown and let her hair down for once. No bun, no braid. It was slightly curly from the braid and fell past her shoulders like a platinum blonde curtain. She gracefully sat on her bed and lit a candle on her bedside table. In my moonlight and candlelight, she pulled out a small book that was hidden underneath her pillow. She opened it up and stared at the beautifully painted pictures. A mysterious boy who brought winter to the world. A true trickster with snow white hair. She smiled at the memory of Jack Frost. His smirk. His attitude. His arm around her. It was too soon however. And she must have realized that too because she blinked a few times and the smile faded away like fog. She gently shut the picture book from her childhood and left it on the table beside her. She shook her head and muttered something under her breath. Too quiet for even herself to hear it. She quickly blew out the candle and covered herself with the blankets. She closed her eyes and fell asleep in an instant. However, every few minutes or so she would wake up to the sound of something moving. And perhaps it was just her imagination when she saw a shadow move. Either way, it was a friendly reminder to her that she wouldn't be so safe for long. Hans would come back soon. He wasn't done with Arendelle yet.

A.N: We sure have come a long way my friends. 102 friends to be exact! Thank you so much for following. More to come later. And oh no school starts this week! :O So I may be on less frequently. Please excuse that. But school comes first. Anyways, hope you enjoyed that chapter. Things are going to be alright... For now. :) Follow, vote, and comment. Love you stay frozen!

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