Battle of The Underground

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Hans walked out of the room with the gang right behind him. He had dark bags under his eyes from staying up at night, planning his revenge. His red hair was greasy, but in his mind, he was alive. A fire of rage and revenge burned in him, fueled by hate and greed. Attached to his belt was a long silver sword and a crossbow. He was wearing a faded cloak with a pair of plain black pants and the same jacket he wore when he went to Arendelle a month before. He walked out of the hallway and silently made his way to Elsa's cell. She was unable to freeze the bars, but she still kept trying to. "Don't hurt yourself Elsa," Hans said. Elsa looked up in shock. The man who broke her sister's heart and left her to die was standing before her. The man who would've killed her if it weren't for Anna. Her eyes narrowed. "Hans. I should've known." Hans nodded and knelt in front of the cell. He tapped the metal bars. "Like it? They're ice proof bars. The metal has a unique property that is strong enough not to break or bend under large amounts of ice. I spent long nights working to make these. However, with a little help from my men and my intelligence, I was able to finish them. No matter how much you try to freeze them, it won't work. Elsa stopped and glared at Hans. "What do you want with me?" She said. "Something simple. Like the throne of Arendelle. I could just go to another kingdom, but unfortunately, everyone has been notified about my acts last month." He continued, "So, with a little help from some..." He paused for a moment and sighed. "Help from some loyal people, I was able to escape from my prison cell and make it look like I went to Corona. When in reality, I went here... Back to Arendelle." Elsa muttered under her breath, "Maybe loyal people wanting a few gold coins in the end." Christian was about to say something, but Hans hushed him. He stepped to the side so that Elsa had a view of the wicked minions. "They each had something they wanted. They were desperate for it. They visited my lonely prison cell and I promised them in exchange for their service and full loyalty to me, I would give them what they wanted." For all Elsa knew, they could want money, power, or glory. But when Elsa looked at Christian, his identity and facial features revealed, Elsa saw something... Sadness. Actually, Elsa didn't see him and his gang as threats. Perhaps they wanted something so much, that they were willing to commit a thousand crimes for it. Elsa shook her head and went back into reality. Her fists clenched. Hans looked down and saw her hands. His eyebrows furrowed. He turned towards Christian and grabbed his collar. "However if they show any signs of disloyalty, the deal will be off. And in some cases I will destroy what they want..." Christian gulped as Hans stared at him straight in the eye. "You didn't think to chain her up in her cell?" Hans growled. "You may underestimate other women, but not Queen Elsa. She is not to be underestimated." Without looking, he took his sword off of his belt and held it in front of his own neck. A split second later, an ice dart came straight for Han's neck, through the opening in the bars, but the sword blocked it. Elsa huffed and her blue eyes could've turned red from anger. She created a giant ice monster, similar to Marshmallow inside her tiny cell. The ice monster's head was pushing up against the ceiling and his big arms were banging both sides of the cell. He roared and bared his ice teeth. Hans and the gang backed up. "Weapons! Someone get to the archer tower!" Hans shouted. Axel clumsily ran and started to climb the tower. The ice monster punched the cell bars. Using strength instead of ice, he was able to break the bars. The bars flew, and everyone ducked. Everyone except Christian. He only had time to cover his face before the bars hit him and knocked him out immediately. The terrifying monster stormed out of the cell with Elsa on his heels. She stumbled out and saw Alexander and Eret coming after her with long, sharp swords. Elsa turned and shot ice at them. They both dodged in different directions. Alexander to the left and Eret to the right. Eret was unlucky though because he was only a few feet away from the ice monster's spiky foot. The ice monster grunted and saw the pesky twin. He kicked him and continued to go after Hans. Eret flew above a cell and he hit the rough stone wall above it. "Ah! Oh!" He yelled as he slid down the wall back down to the ground in a heap. "Eret!" Alexander yelled. His guard was down, so Elsa took the chance. She made an ice block and shot it at Alexander. It pushed against him and pinned him against the wall. Out of breath, she took a few breaths before sprinting to the stairs. "Don't let her escape!" Hans screamed as he dodged an ice spike from the ice monster. Hans tried stabbing the monster, but it was hopeless. He would only continue fighting. He roared again. Hans braced himself as a mixture of wind and snow blew him to the tower in the middle of the room. Dazed, he looked up. Axel was on top of the wooden tower, shooting arrows at the monster. Realizing where he was, he turned towards the stairs. Elsa was at the top already. She was a couple of feet away from the ramp that led to the secret entrance. "Shoot her! Go!" Axel nodded and aimed and shot. The first one, nearly hit her head, but it hit something a little farther in front of her. She stopped and saw the new danger. She slowed down in an attempt to avoid Axel's arrows. Hans got back up on his feet and backed up against the wooden archer tower. "Wood?" He wondered. He tapped the texture to make sure. The monster was inching towards him. Hans sprinted towards the wall and grabbed two torches. As fast as he could, he stopped in front of the staircase of the tower. He waved the torches around. "Hey you! Ice freak! Come get me!" The monster charged at him. Hans quickly went into the tower and climbed the steps. From the sounds he heard, it seemed like the ice monster was trying to climb the tower from the outside. "Get ready to jump!" He screamed at Axel. Hans dropped the torches and used all of his energy to get to the top of the tower. Below him, the tower was starting to collapse and he heard a roar. The tower was toppling over as it was being engulfed in flames. He grabbed Axel and they both jumped in midair. They landed on the ground in pain. But they were still alive. When Hans got the strength to get up from the ground he grinned. The ice monster was melting fast because of the fire. He tried to use his own ice to put it out, but the monster was already burning. He screamed until he became a giant puddle. "And that gentlemen, is how you kill an ice monster." He said as the puddle put out the flames. Axel mumbled from the ground, "Good job sir. I bet Elsa would say the same thing. Hans's eyes widened... "Elsa."
Elsa was running through the cave muttering a single sentence, "Hans is back. Hans is back. Hans is back. Hans is back." Back home in Arendelle, she would sometimes have nightmares about him. He would be chasing her with a sword. Finally, she would stumble and fall. Hans would raise his sword and strike her. But before it could, Anna would jump in front of him and take the sword for her as she froze. Sometimes though, Anna would never show up Hans would make the deadly blow. She would wake up in pain and screams. Her nightmares were becoming true. She didn't turn back to look. She just kept going. Finally, she saw the light of day. She grabbed her dress and sprinted to the exit. The sun was slowly setting, and no one was following Elsa. A wave of relief washed over her. She breathed and created some icicles in front of the cave entrance. "Please buy me some time." She whispered. Elsa had no idea where Arendelle was. She looked back behind her and heard a far away yell coming from the cave. "You can't run from this!" Hans. Elsa shook her head and fled into the woods. She crashed through branches and bushes. She knew what would happen if she was caught so she kept running. "You can't run forever!" Hans yelled from behind, much louder now. "Watch me." She gasped. She was running out of breath and couldn't keep going for much longer. That's when she made a shocking decision. She stopped in the middle of the forest, and held her ground while she caught her breath. What was she doing? Did she want to get captured? Of course not! She held both her hands in front of her and awaited until Hans came barging in with his sword. He stopped at the sight of Elsa just standing there. "Did you learn your lesson about running away?" Hans asked teasingly. Elsa had to get up to his cool level even though she was panicking. "Don't let him know you're afraid of him Elsa..." She thought to herself as she stared him down. That's when she remembered her father's words. "Conceal it. Don't feel it. Don't let it show." He once said. "Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know." She thought. Elsa smiled at Hans and played with her powers in the air. "Not quite yet," she smirked at him. "Really? I thought people of royalty were supposed to behave and follow the rules. Especially queens," Elsa laughed dangerously. "Says the royal who tried to overthrow my kingdom." She countered. "This ends now Hans. You're no match for me." She shot ice at him without warning. He dodged and swiped his sword around. Elsa made a thin ice block to shield herself. Small shards of ice fell to the ground. He moved around the block and struck again. Elsa moved in an attempt to strike again. Unfortunately, the tip of his sword cut her arm, just below her shoulder. She flinched, and grabbed it. With one hand, she frosted the ground. "Ugh!" Her cut was starting to hurt more and more. Hans slipped but noticed her pain. As he sat up he replied, "No. You're no match for me." He took his crossbow from his belt and shot at her. He aimed for her heart. Elsa was able to use her ice to shield herself. She used her powers to create a mixture of wind and snow. She started walking backwards and was about to run, when she slipped on the ice on the ground. She returned to her feet and looked around her. She could barely see anything in front of her due to the swirling snow. All of a sudden, the whizzing of a blade could be heard. She turned behind her to see Hans swinging a sword at her. She wanted to scream. She wanted to cry. Her life flashed before her eyes. And this time, Anna wasn't there to save her. In a final attempt at survival, she shot ice and snow at her possible murderer. Who would fall first?

A.N: Woo! What a cliffhanger. I'm going somewhere later so I won't have time to write. And I'm taking the day off tomorrow. So you won't see who got killed until Sunday. Sorry. :( Comment, vote, and follow. It would mean so much to me. So hang in there. I'll see you Sunday! Bye guys. Love you! Stay frozen! :) OH! And thank you so much for getting this story to 200 reads!!! ❄️❄️❄️

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