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She stood there waiting patiently, with her arms crossed. For a moment, I thought that Jack wasn't even there. Until, I saw him creep behind Elsa quietly and awaited for her to turn around. Elsa looked around one more time and sighed. She turned around and was nose to nose with the sneaky Jack Frost. She didn't even flinch when she saw him. His jaw dropped open in shock. He waved his hands in the air in amazement as Elsa simply walked around him back into her room. "How did you not jump?" Elsa stopped and laughed a dangerous laugh. Half of her face was showing and her loose braid was draped over her face. She looked mysterious and beautiful. To add to the effect, I used my moonlight to shine on her face. The shadows around her took Jack's breath away. He stiffened. "A queen should always be alert," she answered slowly. Jack just stood there, confused with his head tilted. Elsa rolled her eyes and kept walking. "I saw your shadow Frost." She admitted. Jack growled and smacked his head. "So... You came to get revenge on me by ruining the feast?" Jack walked into Elsa's room and twisted his staff in the air. "Not exactly. I needed to get your attention. But getting you upset was a bonus," he added in a flirty tone. "Okay then, why did you need me?" "Well, let's just say that I'm willing to forget everything that happened between us. Including that kiss," Elsa's eyes widened. "We do not speak of it!" She yelped. "So, I thought about it. And I realized that a person who acts all uptight and depressed must have gone through something. So I forgive you," Elsa looked offended. "I am not depressed or uptight. And I should be the one forgiving you," she protested. "Wow, for a queen, you're pretty mean," he said carelessly. "I may be a queen, but I am still a twenty-one year old woman." Jack smiled a sly smile at that comment. "Okay fair enough. Can we start over? Truce?" Elsa wasn't having it though. "But what made you change your mind?" She asked. "Truce?!" He repeated louder. Elsa looked at him and she gave in. "Truce," They shook each other's pale hands. "But why did you come back? I recall that you said that you weren't coming back." Jack shifted his weight and sat on Elsa's bed. "I changed my mind. And that's not important now," Elsa unexpectedly went and held his shoulders gently. "To me it is. But you still have some explaining to do. Like why you're here and well... Alive. And how can I see you?" He stiffened slightly at her touch but didn't brush her hands off. "Okay fine. But so do you snowflake. Like what the moon said to you and why you have ice powers like mine... And why you're so uptight." Elsa rolled her eyes and took her hands off and climbed onto the bed and laid down against some pillows. "Well come on Frost. Round two of the interview starts now." He turned around to face her and left his staff next to him on the sheets. "Oh please. We've got all night to talk." It took awhile, but by morning, Elsa knew that Jack was immortal for an unknown reason. But that he had always been Jack Frost according to the moon. Jack learned about Elsa's childhood in isolation and that the moon had given Elsa powers. He knew why she was so uptight (no offense to Elsa). It was because of her accidental freezing of Arendelle and because she almost froze her little sister forever. She failed to tell him however, about Hans and his treacherous ways. She lied and said that Anna almost died because of the cold, not because Elsa had struck her. Elsa fumbled over that part. She was still too afraid to reveal all to this random boy. Jack was too gullible to notice her sudden stiffness in the story. Either way, they still recounted their tales to each other. But none of them could figure out how Elsa saw Jack. Well, none of them mentioned it at least. Jack wondered if it was my doing. But Elsa knew it was because of his powers and the old fairytale books she used to read. How romantic. My grand plan was underway.

A.N: More Jelsa coming soon! This is good though. They're getting to know each other. Call it an interview, I call it a date. Hope you like it. Follow, vote, comment, and spread the word. Love you! Stay frozen!

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