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It was morning once again. A new day. Another chance to make things right. For Elsa, it would be a day full of questions and pain. She awoke at eight o'clock sharp. He shoulder was stinging once again. She made a mental note to take care of that first thing after breakfast. She stretched her one good arm and brushed her silky platinum blonde hair. It had gotten wild and puffy throughout the night and it was disastrous. By the time she was finished with it, it was already eight fifteen. She was too lazy to put on a formal gown, so she simply put on a thin blue robe over her night gown. She sloppily braided her hair so that it fell down her back. She walked to the dining hall. There was no sign of Jack. No sign of trouble. Maybe she would finally get a day of peace. Anna was already gulping down her food when Elsa arrived. "Hi Elsa!" Anna waved her over with her mouth full of biscuits and sausage. Elsa cringed and sat next to her in the long table. "I'm fine. Do you think you can chew with your mouth closed?" She asked as a servant served her cool orange juice. "No can do sister! This is delicious food and I have a very tight schedule. They reopened the gates earlier this morning so Kristoff and I planned a whole day to ourselves. And nothing is going to make me eat slower!" She announced as she swallowed some juice. "Morning everyone!" Kristoff came into the room unexpectedly with a slightly tired expression. Anna's eyes widened and she choked on her food, spitting out some mashed up pieces onto her plate in the process. "Oh hi Kristoff!" She greeted casually as a few coughs escaped her lips. "So, I set up Sven and a wagon outside. We'll go on a tour around Arendelle and go out for a nice lunch. Oh and Elsa," he turned his attention to Elsa who was playing with her food. "I have a surprise for you. With a little help from Anna." He smiled. Anna gasped and grinned. "Right right. It'll happen today. So you have to come join us." Elsa looked confused for a second and raised an eyebrow at their request. "What's this about first of all?" She asked. "I'm afraid she won't have enough time for that. Today, the queen has to answer many questions." Lawrence popped up like a popcorn kernel. Shang and a woman appeared next to him. She had short black hair, and a wise expression on her face, "What? Why?!" Anna whined. "Because. You're ALL under interrogation as of this moment." The woman spoke a little harshly. "You're not going anywhere today."
It was a long and tedious six hours. Elsa was the last person to be interrogated. Shang had marched her down to a small private room in the castle with no windows. Just herself, Lawrence, the black-haired woman, and her account of the story. Lawrence nodded when she walked in through the door. He gestured for her to sit in a simple wooden chair. She bashful kg sat in it, but couldn't get quite comfortable. "Queen Elsa, raise your right hand please and recite the Arendelle truth oath. Elsa took a deep breath and raised her right hand up to her pale face and recited, "I as a citizen of Arendelle promise to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I shall not lie and give all the facts necessary for the good of my homeland." She lowered her hand and awaited for the first question. "Before we begin, I'd like to introduce you to Ms. Toph Herring. She comes from a small village just across the bay and specializes in truths and lies. She claims she can feel truth and lies. She has helped solve some of the most head scratching cases. Now," he opened a folder full of pictures, numbers, and neatly written notes. "Please explain everything that has happened to you since you life the castle to deliver the store license." He ordered. Elsa began slowly and calmly. She explained how she had stopped for a rest and decided to explore the clearing. How she tried to save the animal, but was captured herself. How she was taken to a secret hideout by a gang of misfits and how their leader was nine other than Prince Hans. As she got closer to the part about how she escaped, she began to shiver slightly. It was a moment she'd rather forget. Lawrence wrote down information furiously as Elsa stumbled upon words like a baby learning to walk. "What happened after you created that cloud Elsa?" Lawrence said. Ms. Herring scooted forward slightly, so she wouldn't miss a single detail. Elsa looked down at her blue shoes and hesitated for a moment. She couldn't just announce that Jack Frost had saved her. They would think she was mad and throw her in a asylum. She thought for a moment and then spoke. She spoke quietly and almost mumbled. Instead of making eye contact, she stared at Lawrence's nose. It was too frightening to stare at Ms. Herring's knowing eyes. "Well, I was trying to run away. But Hans appeared from behind. There was no way I was going to run away in time. So I did the one appropriate thing. I shot at him with my powers. He swung his sword at me. My ice and his sword collided and upon impact, I was knocked away from him. I believe he fell unconscious. I got away and ran to the safest, closest place. My ice palace." She sighed and slumped in her seat. Her blue eyes flickered from Lawrence and Ms. Herring. Lawrence seemed to have bought it. Ms. Herring however raised an eyebrow at her. Elsa looked at her and tried to silently plead with her while Lawrence wrote down some other notes. "Please! Please!" She thought. Lawrence closed the folder and stood up. "Any disputes Ms. Herring?" Ms. Herring stood up as well and eyed Elsa. "No sir. None that I can detect" She glared. "Then you are free to go ma'am. We must stop Hans! Your majesty, we must discuss the steps we must take for his capture as soon as possible." Elsa bowed her head and nodded. Then she scurried away like a white mouse. As the door closed, Elsa felt relief inside of her. Like a warm cup of tea on a cold night. It wouldn't last forever however. For it was only a few minutes after Elsa had left that Ms. Herring reopened the folder. "What is it ma'am?" Lawrence asked. She glanced at one of the final notes he had written carefully and ripped it to shreds without a care in the world. "What is the matter? That's proof!" He scowled. "That," she dropped a ripped shred of paper to the floor. "Is a lie." She replied cooly.

A.N: Oh no! Ms. Herring is onto Elsa! What will happen next? By the way, I made that edit above myself, and I really hope you guys enjoy it. And I am soooo sorry if I haven't been updating as often because I have school and a social life. Lol, what social life?! So anyway, comment, vote and follow me. I can't believe at the start of the summer, I started this. And now we have over 770 reads! That's amazing!!! I love you guys so much! Stay frozen my Disney freaks!💙

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