The Truth Comes Out

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They landed in front of the steps. Elsa took a deep breath before starting forward. She was about to take her third step when she turned around. Jack wasn't following. His eyes were big and wide, taking in every inch of the ice castle. He gasped and then stared at Elsa. "You made that?" He asked impressed. Elsa nodded slowly, like she was embarrassed. Perhaps like when someone compliments something that you created. She went back and went behind him. With one hand, she gave him a strong shove. He slowly started walking. When they got to the door, Elsa didn't bother to knock and walked in. The two grand staircases leading upward were clearer than ever. The frozen fountains sparkled. She hesitated to walk forward. Elsa's heels clicked against the icy floor. Everything was as she left it. Or when she was taken from it at least. "What is this place? Was this like your playhouse as a kid? Before you were locked up?" Jack asked. Elsa slapped herself mentally. She had purposely left out this part during their interview. Instead of saying that she froze the kingdom, ran away, built the castle, defended herself until a chandelier nearly crushed her, and was taken back to Arendelle before the final showdown, Elsa said that she froze the kingdom, ran away, and hid in the mountains until some people brought her back with no trouble. Then how Anna almost froze to death because of the cold. Now that she thought of it, it messed up the whole story. She would have to tell the truth sometime. "Not exactly. Last month, I ran away and built this. Before I was captured." She gulped. Jack looked confused. "Captured? Your parents weren't that harsh were they?" Another mental slap. She didn't tell him about their death either. "Jack... I didn't tell you... They're dead. They were lost at sea about three years ago." She said sadly and nervously. "Oh, I'm so sorry Elsa... I didn't know." This wasn't good. Would Elsa tell the whole truth and her fears to him? My whole plan was being put into jeopardy. Elsa bit her lip. "There's a lot of stuff you don't know Jack. Stuff I've should've told you sooner," she confessed. "Like what?" He said. Suddenly, Hans's face flashed in her mind as she remembered him. He was her fear. And that's when she remembered that she was almost killed. "Wait! How am I alive?" Jack glanced at her. "Well, when a man and a woman fall in love-." He started. "Jack! That's not what I meant! I mean like, Hans was about to kill me. How did I survive? How?" She replied. "Oh, you know him? He needs to clean up a little. Anyway, look snowflake. I was worried about you. Olaf was secretly hiding in your bag and he escaped when he caught you. He told me and we came to look for you. We couldn't find you, and we were so lost. We kept going and that's when I heard the scream. Your shouts. Your horse was taking too long so I started flying. I didn't see you, but I saw a guy with a sword run out of a cave. But he jumped over something. Ice. I followed him and tried to find some sign of you. When I saw that snow I knew you were trying to get away. It cleared up a bit and I saw you and that Hans guy. There was no way your ice was going to save you in time, so I shot my own ice in between you two. You both blacked out, and I got you." He finished, his cheeks slightly red. "Your arm." He said surprised. Elsa looked down. She had forgotten that Hans had cut it. It was starting to bleed again. Jack walked forward and took his blue sleeve and pressed it against the small cut. Elsa held her breath. She took a small step back, but still allowed him to stop the blood. For a few minutes they said nothing. It wasn't until Marshmallow ran in that they broke apart. Jack raised his staff at the giant monster with the tiara on his head. Elsa gently put Jack's staff down. She walked to the monster. "Hey Marshmallow! Umm, do you think you can go wait outside, and stand guard?" Marshmallow grunted and bowed. He went and opened the door carefully and stepped out. Elsa sighed. "I made him like I did Olaf." She answered the question before Jack could ask. "Now, the thing you were going to tell me before?" Elsa gulped and began to tell the real story. From beginning, to where they were then.

A.N: I'm sorry that chapter sucked! I'll do better I promise. I really hope I can write more tonight! Just hang in there. Please vote, comment, and follow! Love you! Stay frozen!

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