Final Escape (Part 2)

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It was only a matter of time before Christian returned and engaged in the plan. Hans paced the cell, making echoes throughout. His back and shoulder still stung a little from the whipping, but he knew that it was now or never. In the cell next to him, Rudy was yawning as he ate the last bit of his rotten vegetables. Hans had given him his portion of dirty veggies. He was still weak from the whipping and could barely walk inside the lonely area. It was more of a hobble. After that, he got right down to business. "Alright Hans. This is it. Whatever you do, don't stop. No matter what happens, just keep going. If you're about to get caught, then you might as well kill yourselves. Make it quick, because the warden will make sure your death is as painful as possible. He's the devil boy." He finished. Suddenly, his eyes widened. He muttered something under his breath and started to fidget. Rudy was either thinking or cursing, maybe even both. His beard twitched almost comically. "How could I have missed this?" Hans ran to the bars like a cheetah. His eyes wide and alert. "What do you mean? What's this about? What are you talking about?" He asked worriedly. "Sure, you can fool the guards, but the warden won't let it happen. I think at this point, you know what we have to do about him..." Rudy knew that if the warden found out that they were escaping, he would be restless until they were recaptured. "Yes, I think I do. But you can distract him. Then I'll sneak up behind him and do the deed." He said very seriously. Rudy's eyes fell back to the cold floor. He shook his head. "You still don't understand... I'm not coming. I'll only slow you down. When the plan begins, just go," Hans's eyes shimmered for a split second. He refused. "No. They'll know that you helped me. They'll torture you until they get the information they need for me!" He almost yelled. His voice only echoed a little. "Then I suppose they'll torture me forever."
Just outside the prison, an odd gang was making their way to a clump of tall willow trees. Right below it, there was a small pool of water that shimmered in my moonlight. Their silhouette in the dead of night was honestly one of the weirdest combinations I have ever encountered. In front of the gang was a big buff man who moved swiftly. Behind him were two people of the same height who had the same haircut. They were tall and had rippling muscles. They were athletic and could easily keep up. But the pair ran side by side. Together, they pulled a wooden wagon. And on the wooden wagon were supplies and weapons. Hidden there, was a plump man. He was short and appeared to be playing with a pair of binoculars. How is it possible that these people with different goals would end up working together?
"So remember, Corona is a little farther up north. I was informed that there's a ship prepared with enough supplies for the trip. Hijack it and don't come back." Rudy whispered a little louder than usual. His cunning side was beginning to show more and more. The guard at the end of the hallway heard what Rudy had said. He inched a little closer to the cell, trying to get more information. "Where?" Hans asked seriously. "The docks." He replied. the guard gasped at how Rudy knew that a boat was prepared to leave for Corona in a few days. "It must have been that stranger that sees him!" He thought. He smacked his head and tiptoed across the prison. He gently called for another guard to take his post. As he walked, his hands began to sweat. He climbed up a tall flight of stairs that led up to a tower that www the water and the distant glowing lights of the town. He reached a wooden door and knocked nervously. Knock, knock, knock, knock knock! "Who dares to see me at this hour?" A gruff voice asked through the other side of the door. The guard gulped. "Er... It's me Nico. I have information regarding Rudy Hawk and Prince Hans." Almost immediately, the door swung open. Nico, who had been leaning on the door fell to the ground at the warden's giant feet. He clumsily made his way back up to his feet. He was sweating under his leather metal armor. "What about them?" He almost yelled in his face. He slammed the door shut with only a small tap of his foot. Nico laughed awkwardly as a drop of sweat fell from his oily forehead. "I overheard them talking. They seemed to be planning to escape sir. And, uh, hijack a ship prepared to go to Corona." He said quickly. He inched closer to the ground as the warden's eyes turned into flames. He grabbed his collar and tossed him out of the doorway. He flung to the other side of the warden's quarters and landed headfirst onto the stone floor. Poor boy. He didn't deserve that pain. And it was so cruel of the warden to not even feel guilt as he stomped down the stairs with his shiny leather boots. He grabbed a whip and knife from is belt and took his keys out. He almost slid on the stone floor because he was too fast. Almost immediately, Hans and Rudy looked up. An innocent look written in their eyes like calligraphy.  However, somewhere there, their eyes were devious and full of rebellious ideas. Eyes that turned away from good and eyes that were misunderstood. Color crimson in their eyes. All blended together by desperation, hate, and revenge. He warden banged on the bars. It looked like he has bent the thick metal. He gritted his teeth and shoved his knife back in his belt. He opened Hans's cell and dragged him by the collar. He was slowly choking and gagging as he was being taken away. "I'll deal with you later Hawk!" The warden warned as he carelessly dragged away the former prince. Before Hans lost sight of Rudy, Hans secretly winked in his direction. Rudy grinned and nodded his head. After he was gone, Rudy's grin disappeared like magic. It was replaced by a face of worry. He muttered softly, "Good luck."
Despite his worries, Hans was very confident about the plan, even though he didn't convince Rudy to come with him. "When I get through with you, you're going to wish you were dead!" The warden threatened. His eyebrows knitted together while he spoke. He took him to a different part of the prison, very far from his cell. It wasn't guarded, but it was scary enough. The warden burst into a room that had no torches, but was only lit up by my light from the ceiling. It was a small circular room. Chains in the middle, whips, razor sharp knives, and a simple wooden chair. The warden tied him up with the chains without a struggle. He dangled the key in front of Hans's face with a smirk on his face. "So... I hear that you're done with Arendelle. And Corona is your next target." He started. Hans remained silent. "And you may be new here, but that doesn't mean I will take it easy on you." Only a few seconds later, he quickly slapped Hans, leaving a red handprint on his cheek. Hans gasped at the pain while the warden circled him like a hawk, still taunting him with the key to the lock. "Don't ever escape! What was your plan? Tell me!" He demanded. Hans looked up with a tiny gleam in his eye. Hope? Or fury? Either way, he spoke quietly. "I have to get out of here. Take over some kingdom out there. Corona was first on the list for me. Another stupid naive princess running it. I've done my research on it. But, I know plenty about other kingdoms, clans, and villages. Berk, Dunbroch, the village of Burgess even. The list is endless. I know more than you think... Hook!" He added deviously. The warden scowled furiously at the answer. He kicked and punched Hans a few times before collecting himself. It was like this for awhile. Back and forth. A few punches and swears here and there. Until finally, the warden pulled out his sharp dagger. He raised it to the weak Hans's neck and looked at him straight in the eye. No guilt. "Sir!!!!!" A guard burst in so suddenly. The warden jumped up, nearly slitting Hans's throat. "What is it?!" He screamed. "Intruder! They got in from the inside!" "What?! Here!" He shoved the key into the guard's hand. "Get him back to his cell!" He ordered. The guard nodded and started unlocking the chains. When the chains fell to the ground, Hans took his chance. As the guard prepared to grab him, Hans slipped around him and shoved against the wall. He repeatedly punched him until he lost consciousness and blood was dripping from his nose. Hans let go of him and ran to the door. He opened him and sprinted to the exit. Guards were running about in panic. They barely noticed Hans. They were too focused on the man who had gotten into their walls. As Hans snuck around in the dim torchlight, he heard parts of sentences. "How'd he get in?" "He just took out a dozen of our guards!" "He's unstoppable!" "What's he doing?" All good questions indeed. And notice how they're not asking who he is. Well that is because they know who he is. He visits every so often, and was a quiet person. However, underneath that cloak, was something more complex. "You!" Hans turned around. A scrawny guard was pointing his sword at Hans. Before he could react, someone came up from behind and snatched him and tossed him to the other side of the room. Christian. "Plan is working. All the guards are trying to stop me. Let's go while there's still chaos. The twins should be here soon." They started for the exit when an arrow nearly hit Christian's head. "You will never leave! You will all die!" The warden had found them. Hans stepped to the side as Christian and the warden fought with their swords. From the looks of it, the warden was winning. He was skillful and quick. From years of practice probably. He brought Christian down to his knees next to the wall. "Too bad the fight is over now." The warden said to him as he raised his sword. Christian looked up for a split second, and ho got up and snatched a burning torch from the wall. He threw it at the warden's feet. Immediately, the flames grew up and around him. The warden screamed as he was being engulfed in flames. "Quick! Burn the place!" Hans didn't hesitate. He tossed torches everywhere and started fires. Everything was burning from the inside out. "Fire! Everyone get out!" Someone announced. Christian and Hans nodded at their work and prepared to evacuate. As they turned around they met yet another person. This time, it was a good person. "Where have you been?! The place is on fire and Axel and my brother are still hidden with the wagon." Eret scolded them. He pulled on his collar as the heat and flames spread. He coughed and signaled for them to go. "Wait! We can't go! We need Rudy!" Hans gasped. Christian looked conflicted. He sighed as a drop of sweat fell from his chin. He sighed and looked at them both. "Guards are going to be outside. I'll clear them. You go get Rudy. Be careful!" He said as he tossed his sword to Eret. They went their separate ways. It only took a few minutes to locate Rudy's cell. Ashes were flying around him. And his face was weary when he saw them. "What are you doing? It's not safe!" Eret ran into the cell door a couple of times before it finally burst open. "Then why are you here?" Hans asked as he picked up Rudy with his free arm. They set off towards the exit once again. Hopefully, Christian had made it safer for them. After a few breathtaking minutes, (literally, the smoke was stealing their air) they made it to the exit. Nothing could stop them now. "Nooooo!!!!" Behind them someone howled. The group turned around. Behind the curtain of smoke was a large figure covered in ash and was limping. He was partially burned and was frightening to the eye. It was the warden. "You will die! You will die!" He was a madman. He took his sword, the tip was red from the fire. When he slammed it against the ground, sparks actually flew off. Hans gripped Rudy tighter. Eret hesitated to go forward. He swung his sword at the warden. All attempts failed. Instead, the warden bravely cut his upper arm after a few swings. Eret yelped in agony as the heat mixed with his flesh burned him. He regretfully looked back at Hans and then without thinking, ran out the exit. It was just Hans, Rudy, and the warden. He looked back at the exit angrily. Eret had shown fear and left them alone with no weapon. Hans was already choking up from the smoke. He noticed the ceiling cracking above them. It would collapse on them soon. "Please, we have to go. Just stop and we'll both make it out okay." Hans almost begged. The warden laughed at that. "I think we both know that I'm the only one leaving here tonight." He walked towards them, sword held up. Hans backed up as he saw the cracks in the ceiling widen. The whole place would be going down. And it would only be a matter of time before a team was sent in to put out the fire and search for survivors. "Hook wait! Let's just go. Leave your sword. This isn't safe for both of us." He sounded desperate now. Rudy coughed underneath him. "You brought Rudy with you? How sweet. I hate sweet. I'm going to kill you both. And if I can't, one of you!" He snickered. He raised his sword and started swinging in Hans's direction. Each time nearly hitting him. But Hans was too fast. Crack! Crack! Hans looked up. His eyes wide and afraid. It was too late. The ceiling above was breaking. Only a few seconds left before the whole thing came down. "Yaaaaa!!" The warden screamed at the top of his lungs. The warden used the ceiling as his chance. For when Hans was distracted, he sliced downward in the air. Hans barely had time to blink before he moved a little to the right, barely missing him. The warden growled, but before any of them knew it, the ceiling collapsed. The warden had enough time to look up and laugh a ha uniting laugh before he was covered in rubble. Hans was already out the exit. He was limping under Rudy's weight. When they finally reached the outside, Rudy looked up at the starry night with tears in his old eyes. Just like Christian had promised, there were no guards. Only a wagon with a rag tag team of misfits. All of the guards had probably evacuated to the other side of the prison. "Let's go sir." Axel said as he patted the seat next to him on the wagon. Hans and Rudy clumsily climbed onto the wagon. "Thank you for saving me." Rudy quietly said. Something was different. Eret and Alexander were pulling the wagon and couldn't hear what was going on. "I couldn't have done all of this without you," he said looking up at the burning prison with a grim face. "Unfortunately Hans, you are going to have to learn how to do these kinds of things without me," he gasped and gulped. He looked down and fell. Hans caught him before he could hit the ground. "Rudy! Rudy! What's wrong?" He followed Rudy's eyes and using my moonlight, he saw something he wished he had never seen. A deep cut on Rudy's side. "Hook's sword. When I didn't move in time." He replied regretfully. He immediately pressed his hands into the wound in an effort to stop the bleeding. "Stop. Stop." Rudy relied as tears formed in his eyes. Christian and Axel looked at Rudy. Axel was sobbing at the sight of his old friend. Christian closed his eyes gently. "Promise me, all of you that you will do what I've asked of you. Keep your promises. And if necessary, kill them Hans. But make it quick for my sake. They are loyal to you. And when the job is done, help them. Help them get what they've been waiting for." Rudy's hand fell to the ground. His body went limp, and his breathing stopped. However, Rudy's glassy eyes remained fixed on me. For I am always a source of hope for a lost soul. Hans closed Rudy's eyes, so he could be sleeping. It was a quiet journey to the boat on the docks. But when they finally arrived and rapidly packed everything, they had to tell the sad news to the twins. They decided to leave Rudy's body adrift on the water. So it would find its way home where he could rest. As soon as they brought the wagon on board and started to sail away from the Southern Isles, Hams called for Eret. Timidly, Eret walked forward, avoiding to make eye contact. "You are the reason he's dead." He simply said. He looked at the rippling water and could see the burning prison on the water. And a faint scream here and there. "You are a coward. You deserve that." He hummed as he pointed at Eret's cut. Alexander watched helplessly. It looked like he was about to speak up, but he bit his lip. He remembered his loyalty to Hans. He knew that he was devoted to Rudy. So therefore, he was forever Hans's servant. Hans circles him and prodded him in a few places, and then ordered him to kneel. He walked to Christian and stole his sword from his belt. Axel gasped. Alexander looked away. "Brother! Please!" Eret called for his brother. But got no answer in return. Hans returned with the sword. He lightly gripped it in his right hand and aimed at his forehead. "You're a coward." He shouted as the sword tip slid across his forehead. Blood came rushing in from a mark above his eyebrow. He fell to the ground and huddled up into a ball. Alexander and Axel ran to his side. They tore fabric from their shirts and began tying it around his head. Christian slowly walked over to Hans's side. He talked normally as if nothing had happened. "Where to now?" He asked. Before he could get his answer, Hans asked another question. "How did you get in?" He said as he stared at the water. Christian cleared his throat, "I simply pretended that I had left something behind. They let me in without suspicion because I was a frequent visitor. That's when I started taking them out from the inside," he drummed his fingers on the edge of the boat. "So what is it that you want?" He asked. Hans smiled and smoothed his red hair. "Are you familiar with Queen Elsa of Arendelle?"

A.N: WOO HOO! We did it! We did it! Oh yeah, yeah, yeah! No eating here tonight! Woo! Haha! Finding Nemo reference right there. I'm sorry I took forever to update. But look on the bright side, I posted a super long chapter, you know about Hans's past, and now we can get to Jelsa! Stay frozen you guys! By the way, I made my own Jelsa collage. It's that picture above. Check it out. :)

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