Safe and Sound

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Jack had awaited a few hours before flying away back to Arendelle. It was always a heartbreaking moment when someone couldn't see him, even if it happened every day to him. "What were you doing there? You don't like her Jack!" He mumbled to himself as he paced the ice floors. "You can't be together anyway. She's just pretty that's all! Wait what?" He stopped dead in his tracks. He smacked his head and continued to talk. "Look, you were just sorry for her. She's not even into you." He reassured himself. Jack sighed and ran his fingers through his white hair. "What am I still doing here... And what am I getting myself into?" He grabbed his staff and walked out of the ice palace. He jumped and he was up in the air. He flew past Marshmallow and threw a snowball at him as he zoomed past. He laughed as he roared at him. Jack twirled and dove to the ground. His daredevil side was taking over and he loved it. It wasn't long before the Arendelle castle came into view. Only a few lights were lit. He searched for the balcony of the queen's. He squinted as the cold air made his eyes water a little. Finally, he discovered the correct balcony and landed on it. He fluffed his hair a bit and took a deep breath. Fortunately, the balcony doors were unlocked. He carefully stepped inside Elsa's room. He was about to take another step, when the door creaked loudly when it opened a little bit more. The wind had caused it to open more. Jack closed his eyes and opened one to face Elsa. He thought he saw her open her eyes, but it was only for a few seconds. Jack relaxed and moved on. He sat down next to her bed and just watched her for a little bit. Her steady breathing and slight twitching meant she was dreaming. Hopefully it was a good dream. He couldn't help himself when he reached down and brushed a few strands of hair off of her forehead. "Why do I keep coming back to you?" He murmured. Even he didn't know the answer. Suddenly, a pair of fast feet sprinted past the door. Jack looked up from Elsa and slowly walked towards the door. Jack gazed back at Elsa one last time before opening the door and closing it behind him. Anna had been the one running away. He caught a glimpse of her red hair before it disappeared around the corner. He took his staff and made his way down the hall. There were hushed voices coming from the throne room. Jack leaped down the stairs and sat on Elsa's throne. "What did you see captain?" Lawrence asked seriously. "Not me." Jack snorted. "Like I already said," began Captain Shang. "My men and I were out there searching for Queen Elsa. I assigned my team to go to her palace in the North Mountain to check for her. We ran into Olaf and it turns out he was going there too." He answered. "Captain Shang, I need more details! By dawn tomorrow, whoever did this to her could be long gone. And we would never be able to track them down!" Lawrence argued. Jack thought for a moment. They didn't know it was Hans. "It was most likely bandits wanting to hold her for ransom. She is the queen and does have plenty of money. Besides I can't think of anyone else with a motive sir." Captain Shang explained. Lawrence scowled. "One person I can think of... Hans." Lawrence replied grimly. Jack sat up and listened for every word eagerly. "Impossible. The Southern Isles and Corona are dealing with enough right now. What with Hans hiding there. It's like finding a needle in a haystack." Lawrence wasn't completely convinced. "It was just a theory. Only because he's one of Elsa's fears. Him and her powers are included in that list. She's learning to control them, but it will still take a long, long time," Lawrence cleared his throat. "Why wouldn't she be scared? He almost killed her." He remarked. "That's true. But I almost get killed many times. Why is he any different?" Shang asked. "He almost killed Anna. He played with everyone's trust in the kingdom. He tricked them. All for what? Power? A crown? A title? And now look what has happened. He's escaped prison. He's hiding in Corona! But say for a second, the queen says that it was Hans, he could be planning revenge once again as we speak!" His voice echoed throughout and seemed to have silenced the whole world. Lawrence sighed sadly. The wrinkles in his forehead showed. "Alright, alright. That's enough bickering for tonight. And we're making a scene. We already heard Princess Anna eavesdropping correct?" He asked casually. Shang nodded. "Then go home. You're dismissed." He ordered. Shang nodded and swiftly left the throne room. Jack followed and slowly walked back to Elsa's room. His staff leaving a thin trail of ice behind him. He didn't bother to remove the ice. It melted a few seconds later anyway. He gently closed the door behind and glanced at Elsa. "Oh Elsa... You've been through a lot. And I know you're scared of him." He thought with a sad smile. He sighed. "You're safe now." He whispered. He pulled up a chair silently and sat next to Elsa. Careful not to awake her. He sat in the chair and held his hand over hers. Even in sleep, she flinched at his touch. She stiffened, but after a few minutes, her body relaxed and she mumbled something in her sleep. Jack blushed and looked down at their hands. "You're safe now." He repeated.

A.N: So I took out a lot of stuff in that chapter. Fun fact, I originally planned on Jack going into the Arendelle library and discovering some stuff. That didn't happen though. Just gushy stuff. ;) So... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVEE 600 READS!!!! I never thought that would happen. You guys are the best. Comment, vote, and if you like what you read, go on and follow me. Stay frozen! I love you guys!!! (I made that bad edit in the picture :D)

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