Elsa's Boyfriend?

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A frying pan to the head... What a sad yet clever way to be knocked out. I watched helplessly as Elsa's chains were tightened. The cloaked captors continued their journey through the Arendelle woods, away from the castle. And only two people knew that with every minute, Elsa was being taken farther and farther away. Meanwhile, Oaken was grinning ear to ear as he hugged the store license. The mysterious cloaked figures that had given it to him were so kind. They would never do anything bad. As he picked up the last of his inventory, he boarded up the shack and left with his family. When they arrived in Arendelle, Oaken immediately went to the Arendelle castle, so he could thank the queen... The queen that was supposed to give the license to him in person. Oh, things were getting worse.
"Why were you even in Elsa's bag?" Jack asked Olaf as they rode on Eclipse. Olaf shrugged. "I was curious. I wanted to explore too. So I snuck in there. It was a good idea considering what's happening now," he said as he grabbed onto Eclipse's ears with one hand. The other was holding Jack's staff as he guided Eclipse. Jack pulled on the reigns and Eclipse hopped over a giant branch. "Whoa! Bumpy," Olaf said as he hopped in his seat. "Quick, tell me what happened again," Jack demanded without looking away from the path. "Well..." Olaf started. "We stopped for water and Eclipse was misbehaving. So Elsa tried to calm him down, but Eclipse is very naughty, so he didn't listen. He was looking to a place with lots of trees, so Elsa took me over there. The cutest baby bear was trapped in a tree. She went to save it, but she got stuck in a net. Then the people in cloaks came. Elsa didn't escape, and they took the bag with the license and me in it. I barely slipped out and left on Eclipse," he explained. "Hey, can I have this?" He said as he shook the staff. "Er... No. So, who were those cloaked figures?" Olaf looked back at Jack with a sad expression. "I don't know. The only thing that I can think of is that gold emblem on them. I don't know kingdom, gang, or family emblems though," Jack looked down at Olaf and patted his head. "It wasn't your fault Olaf. We just got to find her," Olaf smiled. His white snowy cheeks turned red. He looked back forward and his carrot nose nearly popped out of his face. "RIVER!!" He yelled. Jack looked up. A fast river was up ahead and in their way. He pulled in the reigns and both Olaf and Jack were launched over the river. Jack landed on the ground on his back. Olaf on his back also. Jack sat up and rubbed his head. "Olaf!" He scrambled on all fours toward the little snowman. He was like a turtle on his shell... Unable to get up. His arms and legs wiggled, trying to stand up. "I'm fine," he said. "I need to do more sit-ups," he said. Jack got him up. Luckily, Eclipse was still there across the river. "Are we there yet Olaf?" Jack asked as he got his staff from the ground. Olaf nodded and pointed to the clearing of brambles, trees, and thorns. "Let's go." They navigated their way through and made it to the clearing. Sure enough, there were cages and nets. But no sign of Elsa. Olaf tapped his chin. "Are you sure you're not Elsa's boyfriend? Because a smart person would've gone back to the castle to start a search party. A person who really cared about her or was in love with her, would go after her without thinking the situation through." Jack glared at Olaf and huffed. He slammed the staff on the ground. Ice covered the ground and Olaf was blown away back to the river. Jack sat down frustrated. "Is that a yes?" Olaf called back.

A.N: The story is moving along slowly. And just so you know, I wanna make at least fifty chapters. It's ambitious, but I think I can do it. Remember to vote, it means a lot. Follow and comment. Bye guys! Stay frozen!

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