In the Meantime

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You all probably know the sad story of how Elsa grew up in Arendelle. She spent all those years living in fear, surrounded by her ice and snow.

I myself admit that I did feel pity for Elsa. On some nights, when the rest of the kingdom was asleep, she would just huddle up in a corner and watch me through her window. I was one of the closest things to her seeing the outside world. Elsa had rarely seen the kingdom. So while the king and queen worked, and Anna hoped for her sister to come out, Elsa dreamed about controlling her ice powers so she could get out of there and not hurt anyone again.

Oh how I enjoyed watching those few moments when Elsa laughed to herself in her room, while drawing pictures of her and Anna playing in the fiords. Elsa grew very artistic in her tedious life.

She kept some secrets though. Although she was afraid of embracing her powers, I recall her once in her twenty one years playing with her powers. That day, she made patterns out of frost on her wall, made little snowballs, made it snow, and she even learned to make a dress out of frost. It was absolutely amazing and she was so content with her powers.

"Oh Elsa! Do you want to build a snowman?" Anna piped up from the other side of the door. Elsa, who was caught up in the moment was about to open the door and show Anna everything she had made, but slipped on a patch of ice, throwing her back into reality.

"No! Go away Anna." She croaked while clutching her knee. And with that, Anna slowly walked away from Elsa's room again. It must have been months later until I saw Elsa happy again. As she grew, her love of reading grew. She sometimes spent the nights hidden on the floor with a candle reading a book. Her favorite being the story of Jack Frost (how convenient). She loved reading about all of his adventures and believed in him with all of her heart.

Jack was never there to see though. If he were, Elsa would be able to see him. She believed in him because of his ice powers. "If he has ice powers," she whispered one day. "He must exist. Because I have them too. And I'm real!"

To others however who knew her secret, he was only a myth. A fairytale. Even young Anna grew out of the fairytale and no longer believed.

It would have taken someone with an extremely pure and naive personality to believe in Jack too. Someone who was so true.

But while Elsa believed, Jack Frost flew around the world never noticing a person like him. In the meantime, let's see what Jack was doing.

A.N: This chapter was a little boring and we all are waiting for Jack and Elsa to meet. But hang in there! Comment, vote, and spread the word. Love you guys! Stay frozen.

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