Final Escape (Part 1)

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In the dim torchlight, Hans could see the last guard exiting his cell and walking back to the end of the hallway. He was chuckling to the second guard. "That old man only felt five shots!" He shouted. The second guard rolled his eyes. "I wanted to have some fun. He's too old and weak. He won't last much longer in here." He said. Hans's eyes widened at that last sentence. He didn't sit up until he was sure that the guards were gone. He clutched his shoulder in pain. They had whipped him about twenty times. All were in his back and shoulders. There were probably some bruises and scars on his skin. He had pretended to fall unconscious during the whipping. It had worked, for the guard had stopped once he had fallen. However, Hans could still feel the blood rushing down his back. "At least I'm alive," he thought. Suddenly, in the next cell, he heard low moans. Hans scurried over carefully. Rudy was lying face down in his cell. His back moving up and down slightly. "Rudy," Hans hissed worriedly. "Rudy please wake up." He pleaded. Rudy rustled. He coughed and groaned as he spit small particles of dust an gravel. "Rudy!" Hans whispered. Rudy got up very slowly. His old age was starting to show. He had the brain of a young, wise man. But on the outside, he was an old man with nothing but pain and scars. "H-How long have I been out?" He questioned. "I'm not sure exactly. They only whipped you about five times," Hans answered. Already, he had dark bags under his eyes. His red hair was like wild flames. Untamable. Ever so slowly, he crawled to the edge of his cell and just laid against it. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of silence, he spoke, his voice soft like silk. "Christian will be coming in a few hours. Tell him the plan Hans. If he agrees, he will assemble the rest of the team I selected. If you so choose, you can be out today. Just be ready to go." Hans nodded in understanding. He was about to go to his haystack when something stopped him. "Wait... What about you. You've been here long enough. I can get you out," Hans replied. A hint of desperation in his voice. Rudy smiled sadly. "No, I can't. Not anymore. I'd only hold you back. I can't risk that. I can't risk whatever business you have to take care of," he answered. "But!" "No buts!" He interrupted. "No buts..."
The sun was setting, as he walked along the cobblestone road of the village. People were slowly starting to make their way into their homes. Some families stayed in front of their houses with some drinks, food, and friends. In the rougher part of town, some folks were heading into the local pub. While some stumbled in with alcohol and gambling on their mind, one man emerged. He was tall and buff. He shoved people out of his way without a care in the world. His dark cloak was up and over his head, hiding his face. No one paid any attention to him as he walked out of the streets. Soon, houses and shops were replaced by rotting barns and vast green fields.  Hidden in his belt was a dagger and small painting of a woman, man, and baby. As this man walked towards the edge of the Southern Isles, a prison arose. Guard towers and gates that seemed stronger than a dragon. Rain drops slowly fell from the heavens like tears. Still, he went going, making sure to avoid small puddles. When he arrived at the prison gates, he requested the guards to see the same prisoner. After years of coming, the guards had his trust. Without a word they let him into the dark prison. He walked down the same familiar hallway all the way to the end. His hood was still up when he raised his arm up to the bars to knock on the metal. A shuffle in the next cell stopped him. He glanced at the surprise. It was too large for a rat, and too quiet. Suddenly, a man of red hair and a devilish look on his eye appeared. He immediately recognized him as the idiotic prince. The former prince he should've said. "Prince Hans? Is that you? I thought that you were killed already!" "Easy on him Christian. He's got something valuable." Rudy said. Christian seemed conflicted at first, but finally turned away. "What's he worth to me. Besides, it's only a few taunts," He smirked. He still wasn't fully grasp in the situation. "If you agree to what I'm about to tell you, then maybe he'll be the one taunting you," he said mysteriously. From the other end of the hallway, a guard came rushing in. "Warden says you can only stay for ten minutes. For certain reasons." With that, he walked away rapidly. "Now why would I agree to anything he says?" Christian almost laughed at the thought. Hans's transformed into deadly daggers as Christian mocked him. Finally, he spoke, with an angry voice. He had lost his sympathy for him. If he succeeded, he knew that he would get him to follow him at extreme costs. "I have something I can offer you," he spoke quietly. Christian raised an eyebrow, then waved the offer way with his hand. "You have nothing." He simply said. Christian stepped closer to Rudy's cell. "Fine. I was just hoping that you would assist me with my plan. At the end of it all, I was going to Berk. I understand that there is someone you love there..." His voice trailed off as he sat back on his humble haystack. Christian's eyes widened at the sound of Berk. "Loyal man, this may be your only chance. I strongly suggest you take it." Rudy advised with a strong, yet calm tone. "What is it exactly that you need?" He asked hesitantly, as if he were about to release an evil force. Hans grinned slyly. "Simply help with my escape, get me back to Arendelle, serve me until I complete my revenge, and then you will be able to sail to Berk. Because by the time I am done with my revenge," he looked around making sure that no guards were close enough to hear him. "There will be no heirs to the throne of Arendelle. So I will be the new king. I will have the power to send out search parties of a hundred men. All to find your daughter. So buff boy, are you in?"

A.N: I didn't want to take forever on this chapter, so I split it into two parts. I'm going to have a lot of spare time on my hands, so the next part could be published or at least almost finished by tonight. Hang in there. I got some big plans for Jelsa... Stay frozen! :D

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