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After Elsa had gotten some food, she set off into the wilderness on her white horse, Eclipse. It was about an hour'a ride to Oaken's. She rode through the forest and followed the map. Her braid bounced up and down with every step Eclipse took. The grass was green and sprouting with flowers. After about half an hour later, Eclipse was slowing down. So Elsa stopped the poor horse to rest. They stopped next to a stream filled with wild flowers and clear, cold water. She drank out of her canteen and decided to refill it. She dipped the canteen into the water and made little ice cubes. Eclipse was drinking water and eating grass happily. Elsa sighed and laid against some rocks. She looked at the trees blowing in the summer wind and sighed. Nature was calming to her and it was a beautiful afternoon. Suddenly, the relaxed Eclipse tensed up and looked to the other side of the stream. The direction he was looking at was filled with brambles, broken twigs, chopped trees. But if you looked hard enough, there were some healthy strong trees farther. Eclipse's behavior was getting worse. He was standing up and jumping. His neighs getting louder by the second. Elsa stood up concerned. "Eclipse! Eclipse!" Elsa tried to calm him. "Eclipse! Stay still! Be calm! Are you okay? What's wrong boy?" Her hands finally met his body and she looked him straight in the eye. She let him and shushed him. His eyes however, were wandering back in the direction of the dangerous trail. Elsa followed his eyes, and thought for a moment. She did have a bit of a curious side to her. And it was obviously bothering her horse. She breathed in and took the reigns the her horse. She led him on foot across the gentle stream, to the start of he brambles and thorns. "Sorry buddy, this is as far as I can take you." She smiled through her fear. She was a bit nervous of what was ahead. Or if it was even something worth looking. But it did spook her horse. She carefully navigated herself through the brambles. Her arms were poked and scratched by the thorns, causing some cuts to bleed a little bit. Her dress kept getting caught on dead tree branches, but fortunately, it didn't rip. Finally, Elsa stumbled into a clearing surrounded by very tall trees. There were many leaves scattered on the ground, like if something large shook a tree and the leaves had fallen. She walked a few steps and stopped when she heard whimpering. Her blue eyes looked up. A baby bear was trapped to a net that was tied to a tree. She looked around and noticed some nets with rips at the bottom. She looked back at the ground and gasped. Under the nets were the skeletons of animals that had fallen to their deaths in the hopes of trying to escape. It was a dangerous height. She shivered at the sight and looked back up at the bear. The poor animal was whimpering and roaring baby roars. Someone was trying to catch animals, and she doubted it was for food. Elsa looked towards the base of the tree and saw the rope that was holding the bear. She ran forward to untie the tree. Elsa has to be quick if she was going to catch the bear. But before she made it to the tree, she fell to her knees and felt herself being lifted into the air, leaves flying everywhere.

A.N: Hey guys, looks likes Elsa's in trouble. I'll maybe write more tonight. Vote, comment, and spread the word about this story. I really enjoy writing this, and I like going with the flow when I write it. I'll see you later (not literally ;) ). Stay frozen!

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