Drunk on Jealousy

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Jack Overland Frost was never the jealous type. His trickster personality always seemed to get in the way of his true feelings. Plus, he never had a reason to get jealous. His invisibility was the only thing that upset him. Sometimes he would be reckless with his actions. He was the cause of deadly snowstorms, record breaking snow fall, and trouble during the winter season around the world. Overtime however, he learned to balance out his powers and simply use them for fun. Just as I had intended. But that jealousy was different than the one he was feeling after eavesdropping on Hiccup and Kristoff. It started as a small stinging sensation in his chest. Soon enough, the burning fury would spread and overtake him completely. In the few times that he did get jealous, he would commit things without thinking anything through. As he flew away from the inn, he felt his pale ears turn red. His words were inaudible, and most likely curses at me or someone else. His grip on his staff tightened as he felt the cool morning breeze through his hair. At first, his instinct was to go roam around the land for the rest of the day. But for some reason, he could not stand the thought of letting the date happen. What would Elsa and Hiccup be doing? Jack shook his head quickly and pushed the weird thoughts out of his mind. He finally decided to return to the castle and find something to do. He entered through his usual entrance, the balcony, and carefully snuck in. He stood on his staff, and looked around the bedroom. Empty. Anna or Elsa were probably somewhere else getting ready. "Hello? Elsa?" Jack called. "Well, I'm exhausted, and no one here is to stop me so," he hopped and landed on the bed and relaxed. "Ah. No distractions, no worries, I can just forget now and..." The gentle sound of a pair of heels interrupted his sentence. Jack looked up and caught his breath. "Do you always talk to yourself Frost?" Elsa asked. She was peering from behind the door to her room. Her long platinum blonde hair was pulled to the side in her signature braid. She wore an ice blue dress with a thin slit in the skirt. She clicked her blue heels together and shyly smiled at the floor. "When you're a winter spirit, you kind of have to talk on your own snowflake." He frowned slightly. Elsa's small smile fell and she walked into the room. "So um, how do I look?" She twirled in a circle, so that the dress fanned out and spun with her. The sparkles of her dress caught the early morning lights streaming in through the windows, making her look like she was glowing. "Very interesting," Jack nodded as he ran his fingers through his white hair. "But overall, you look beau- it's a nice outfit... For you." He awkwardly added. "Oh well thank you. Are you sure, because Anna picked this out and I wasn't sure if it was appropriate for a-" she was cut off. "Look I'm no beauty guru Elsa! I've been alive long enough to see some pretty weird fashions but I don't know much." He snapped and fell back on the bed. Elsa rolled her blue eyes. "Right..." She sat on the chair across the bed and tapped her heels on the hardwood floor. "So...wonderful weather we're having huh?" Jack groaned, "You're really starting off the conversation with that stupid phrase?" He sat up again to face her. "Hey, you just seem a little tense. I'm just trying to break the ice," Jack chuckled at the unintentional pun. "Whatever Snowflake," he mumbled. "Okay, now I know something is up. That sass shows it. Jack you can tell me. Please I have to leave soon, or Anna is going to drag me." Elsa pleaded. He threw his hands in the air and moved towards her. "That's exactly it!" He yelled. "This date isn't a good idea. I've seen him. He's definitely not your type. I don't trust him." Elsa's mouth fell open. "Jack I appreciate your concern, but I trust Hiccup. Even if I don't know him well. After a lot of thinking, I decided to go with the flow and just see what happens. Am I excited about it? Not really Jack. Besides, how do you know what my type is? I don't even know myself Jack," her voice turned into a low hum as she backed away. "I have to go. I have no choice. Mostly because Anna is forcing me but still." Jack squinted. "No Elsa. Believe me, he's not looking forward to meeting you. He loves someone else. He's trying to force it. It can't be forced Elsa. Please you can't go!" He spoke with such intensity, it was hard to look away from his cold eyes. Elsa looked hurt for a second. "You don't know what's best for me." She looked away. "You're acting like a child Jack! I don't know why you're acting out like this, but you need to fix it! You can't do anything about this. So either deal with it, or leave." She strut out of the room, with a tear at the corner of her eye. The door slammed shut and rocked a few pieces of furniture to the side.  Jack groaned something and shot a bolt of ice out the balcony. He sighed and ran his fingers through his white hair. "Sorry Elsa. I'll deal with this my own way."

A.N: OMG! It's been too long! I really love all of you guys, and thanks for sticking me through all of this. I know I haven't updated in so long, but I promise I've been writing. I've just had other personal writing projects. Anyways, I'm so sorry and I hope you like this chapter. Love you! (The picture is in honor of the series finale of Gravity Falls)

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