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She struggled to get out of the net. She reached out her hand through the net and tried to swing herself to another tree, but it was hopeless. She sat back down in the net and looked down. Elsa couldn't believe she fell for such an obvious trap. She smacked her head and carefully tried to stand up. If she was going to get out, she had to do it with no help. If she yelled for help and a person came, there was a chance that they wouldn't be very friendly. She groaned and looked back down. It was probably worth the chance to fall. She created an ice dagger in her hands and prepared to cut her way out. She started cutting the thick rope. It slowly started to snap and the net was slowly dropping. It dropped a few feet all of a sudden. "Ahh!" She screamed. Elsa nearly dropped the ice dagger. She gasped out of breath and recollected herself. She then continued to cut the rope. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, AHHH!" The net dropped a few more feet closer to the ground. She was getting very scared, and she had to save the bear still. She moved her braid to her side and continued. "Hey boss, we caught some!" A man said. Elsa stopped cutting and looked down. A short, plump man yelled into the bushes behind him. His face was hidden behind a long, black cloak. Underneath, he had red pants. The only distinction was a gold emblem on the cloak. No matter how much she squinted, she couldn't see what the emblem was. Behind the bushes, three more people came. All wearing the same outfit of the cloak with the emblem. Two of them were about the same height. They were dragging a wagon with two black, mighty horses. In the wagon were sacks and boxes and cages. The final person was the biggest and the tallest. Maybe even twice the size of Elsa. They were so intimidating and mysterious. Elsa wasn't looking forward to getting found by them. The biggest one spoke. "You know the drill. Just get them down," It didn't look like they noticed Elsa yet. More time for her to escape. As everyone below was doing their jobs, Elsa continued cutting. If she was going to fall, she would have to make a quick getaway. She quickly cut and cut until SNAP! The rope snapped and the net fell to the ground. She flipped in the air and screamed. She landed on her back. For a few seconds, she remained dazed, but then Elsa realized where she was and tried to untangle herself from the net. She struggled until she felt the net leave her body. Two pairs of hands grabbed her shoulders and brought her to her feet. They firmly grabbed her and wouldn't let go. She struggled to free herself from their grip, but it was too strong. "Release me!" She yelled. The people grabbing her laughed a dreadful laugh. "A lady like you shouldn't be walking through the woods alone. It's dangerous." The one on my left said sneakily. "Yeah, after all, there are dangerous animals out here like that," he gestured to the bear that was now being put in a metal cage. "Luckily, we caught you before anything bad could happen." The guy on the right grabbed her chin and tilted her toward him. He leaned in and said, "What's your name sweetheart?" Elsa gagged at his bad breath and spit in his face. He made a face and stomped on Elsa's foot. "Hey! We were going to save you, but we'll just sell you." He shot at Elsa. The boss spoke with a deep voice. He seemed to be enjoying every minute of this, "And she's be worth a lot too. Maybe ransom," he added with a dirty grin. His goons's eyes widened. "Why?" They asked in unison. "Because my friends... This lady here is the queen of Arendelle. And I'm sure in a few hours, they'll send out soldiers to search for her," He walked towards Elsa. "Don't worry your majesty, we'll keep you safe. Our boss will decide what to do with you," Elsa stopped struggling. Who was their boss? And the real question was, why did they want Elsa? "Never!" Elsa yelled. She stomped on the ground and created ice on the ground. The goons holding her slipped and fell. She turned and ran. She almost made it out until BAM! She collapsed on the ground. Before she blacked out, she saw the plump man holding a frying pan, standing next to the the intimidating guy. "Lights out your majesty..." He said. He reached for Elsa's bag, then Elsa closed her eyes.

A.N: Yay! That was a super long chapter. Oh well. ;) Remember to vote, comment, and spread the word about the story. Stay frozen and keep moving forward. Maybe more later? ;)

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