The Invisible Boy

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Jack Frost never really had anything planned. He went with the flow of things and just wanted to have fun. While Elsa was locked away for her powers, he flew around embracing his power.

There was one price though. No one believed in him. Well except one girl that he would meet later. Being invisible did have some perks though.

One day, Jack was flying around causing some trouble when he saw a few kids below him. "I wonder what's going on." He thought mischievously. He landed on top of a bush and listened to the kids.

"Guys, I can't play. My dad said I have to watch his new wood carving for a few minutes. He's going to sell it for some money." A boy with brown hair said. He motioned to a tall mighty carving of a bear. The rest of his friends whined. "But the teenaged kids are going into the woods. If we don't go now, they'll leave without us. This could be our last chance to hang with them." A dark skinned boy said.

"Oh come on kiddo. Have some fun," Jack said as he created a snowball and tossed it at the dark skinned boy's head. "Hey! You said you didn't want to play." He said angrily. The brown haired boy looked around. "That wasn't me Davis, I swear! Ah!" He yelled. He rubbed his back leaving some snow on his red hands.

Jack trotted around, searching for his next target. He carefully selected a scrawny redheaded boy in the back and hit him squarely in the face. "SNOWBALL FIGHT!" Someone screamed. With that, everyone joined in. Even the brown haired boy. Snowballs were thrown in every direction. Jack Frost laughed. "Yeah that's the spirit!" Jack grabbed some snow and with all of his might, threw the mini, icy, cannon ball. It zoomed through the air. It was about to strike the boy, but he ducked to scoop up more snow just in time.

Unfortunately, the strong snowball flew and took the head of the wooden bear. "Victor!!!" A voice boomed. A man wearing nothing but fur boots, pants, and a cloth cape barely covering his chest came. "I give you one job and you mess it up!" The boy's jaw dropped. "But, but, it wasn't me Dad. I didn't throw it. Neither did my friends. We never hit the carving. "Oh well I suppose it was an invisible boy then," he looked straight into Jack's eyes as if he could see him.

He rolled his eyes at first, and then he replied, "You're in big trouble young man." Jack didn't hear the rest of it. For the first time in years, he actually felt guilty. And for once, he was actually glad he was invisible. Who knows what punishment Victor would face.

A.N: Poor Victor, it really wasn't his fault. Oh well. Jack and Elsa will meet soon, so stay tuned. Comment, vote, and spread the word. See you guys later. Stay frozen! :)

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