True Identities

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Eret took the horses and wagon into a different room in The Underground. Alexander, Christian, and Axel took Elsa down the stairs. "Unlock a cell Axel." Christian barked. Axel immediately grabbed keys that were in his pocket and unlocked a cell that was next to the long hallway towards the back. Elsa gulped as she was shoved into the cell. "Help me unlock her." They unlocked her chains carefully. When she felt the weight of the chains fall, Elsa quickly made a slippery ice patch. Everyone slipped and fell to the hard ground. Elsa hopped over the patch and was about to escape from the cell when Eret appeared. He blocked her escape. Elsa shot some ice at Eret's head. He dodged and backed her up against the wall. She tried making ice patches to slip him up, but he was being very careful not to fall. Instead, Elsa herself fell and she scrambled against the wall. She created an ice dagger and tried to point it at Eret. Her attention was focused on Eret, so she didn't notice Alexander sneak up next to her and pin her against the wall, careful to avoid the dagger. "Got your back bro." He said as he tightened his grip on Elsa's wrists. "Where were you when the boss was yelling at me?" Eret asked defensively. Suddenly his face darkened as he placed his fingers on his forehead. Right onto the scar. Elsa didn't notice the slight move. "Obviously kidnapping me. But this was your boss's idea wasn't it?" Elsa asked as Alexander brought her to her feet. The ice dagger fell and shattered on the floor. "You sneaky royal," Christian said as he got up with Axel. "Throw her down." He said as he started walking out of the cell. Axel barely keeping up with him. Alexander looked at Elsa and snarled. Through the shadows of the cloak, Elsa saw bright green eyes. Who were they? He threw her against the wall and ran out of the cell with Eret on his toes. Elsa blew the loose hairs off of her face. She heard the cell bars close. "Great." she thought. The cell was a small size. It had a tiny bed that looked uncomfortable for sleeping. It didn't matter anyway. She probably wouldn't sleep there at all. There were no windows but Elsa could at least see the other cells around the room and the giant archer tower outside her cell. And right next to her cell was the mysterious hallway. The cloaked captors had gone down there and turned the corner. Elsa looked around The Underground and breathed in. She had to be fast with her escape. Luckily, she was quick and clever. To some like Anna and Kristoff, Elsa was like a sly fox. Intelligent and always seeming to be one step ahead of everyone. Elsa scrambled over to the cell bars and began freezing them.
"We have her in captivity sir." Christian replied. Him and the gang were standing in a lovely room. There were paintings of a man and woman surrounded by many young boys. But there were also maps of Arendelle with knives stuck to them. A fireplace burned to their left. In front of them was a desk with pens, papers, and knives. Mounted on the wall was a large, glimmering emblem. The same emblem on the cloaks that they wore. Up close now, you could see it was a bird taking flight with flames surrounding it. An original emblem representing the bravest rising from the ashes. Rising from a difficult time. There was a large chair at the desk. It was turned around, so you couldn't see the person sitting in it. "Excellent." The gang sighed in relief. They all took off the hoods to their cloaks, revealing their identities. Christian was a large, tanned beefy man with long locks of black hair. Axel was as you would expect. He was old and plump with a white beard and stumpy legs. Alexander and Eret were quite handsome. With bright green eyes and ruffled brown hair. The only distinction between the two was that Eret had a scar above his eyebrow. "Our cover worked sir. She thought we were poachers who were looking to sell anything. Even her!" Axel piped up. "How did you find her?" The mysterious leader asked. "She was traveling to Wandering Oaken's to deliver a store license." Alexander answered. "She found a bear we caught and tried to save it. She was caught too however. The traps that were set up a few weeks ago was triggered when she stepped on one." Eret replied. "Lucky you found her so soon right sir? Sooner than you estimated correct?" Axel said. Christian stomped on Axel's foot at an attempt to shut him up. "That would be correct Axel. I didn't expect to capture her in particular." He paused for a second as he laughed softly. "I believed I would catch her naive little sister. She always was clueless until I revealed myself. Or even possibly the ice man. I was hoping however to capture Elsa. She is the queen of Arendelle and started all of this because of her ice powers." He tapped his fingers on the chair, as if he were an impatient child. "I didn't expect to catch anyone until September though so we are ahead of schedule," he continued. "Haha! The Arendelle sisters are so stupid. One thinks I'm madly in love with her. And the other gets captured because she tried to save our lunch." His laughs were so sinister. Even his followers stiffened at his laugh and his cruel ways. "So this store license... Did you deliver it?" They nodded. Their boss stood up and grinned. "Now they won't realize that she was supposed to deliver it herself. You disappeared without a trace... Am I correct to assume that?" He asked. Christian gulped. "Y-Yes sir." Their boss was about to say something, but he stopped when he heard the banging of bars and screams of frustration. "WHOEVER YOU ARE, YOU WONT GET AWAY WITH THIS!!!!" Queen Elsa screamed. Their boss turned around. He smirked at her cries. He whispered, "Oh Elsa... I already have."

A.N: I think you know who that is guys... Uh oh! And OMG, they're gonna eat the baby bear! The horror! More to come later. This is getting interesting. Comment, vote, and follow. It would mean so much. Spread the word about the story. Wait to see what happens. Stay frozen! :)

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