The Boy From Berk

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When she arrived, Kristoff and Anna were already being served a salad. Anna devoured it in seconds like a wild animal. Kristoff on the other hand shuddered and secretly fed most of it to Sven. "Enjoying your dinner I see Kristoff." She announced with a devious smile. Kristoff jumped and dropped his handful of green leaves. He scrambled to pick them up from the floor as he laughed nervously. "Oh hey Elsa!" Anna waved from the table. Elsa laughed graciously and took a seat next to her sister. "Take it easy Anna." Elsa warned as she picked up her fork and twisted it in her fingers. Anna only shrugged as she continued. Everyone was silent until the main course came. A creamy white soup with fresh vegetables and chicken incorporated into the broth. "So Elsa..." Anna started slowly. "Today, Kristoff and I had a surprise for you. But obviously we couldn't bring you to it. So tomorrow, clear your schedule." She slurped her soup and sighed in happiness. Kristoff's eyes widened and he smiled as well. Elsa looked at them both suspiciously. From the corner of her eye, she could see Jack walking alongside a servant that was refilling their drinks. He kept putting his staff in front of the servant's foot, as if he were going to trip the servant. Elsa casually turned part of her attention to Jack as she tried paying attention to Anna and Kristoff. "Mhm. Okay sure. So what exactly is this surprise?" She tried waving her hands frantically by her head. Jack just smirked in her direction and mimicked her moves. Elsa's head flooded with words that were too foul for her sophisticated royal lips. "So on one of my ice trips, we stopped in a tribe called Berk. You may have heard of it." Elsa nodded without making eye contact. "Stop Jack!" She hissed as loudly as she dared. Kristoff cocked his head to the side. Elsa froze and faked a cough while taking a sip of water. Jack was now flying above the table and making tiny ice shards in their water glasses. "Well anyways," he shrugged it off. "You may have heard of the death of Chief Stoick. It was tragic for everyone there. But his son is a hero! He's amazing Elsa!" Kristoff shouted. "Yes I've heard of him. He was the first Viking to tame a dragon. He defeated Drago Bloodvist. And he leads Berk with pride. I don't know him personally, but I do know that he's only a year younger than me." Elsa broke eye contact with Jack and faced Anna and Kristoff. "So what does this have to do with the surprise?" She asked. This time, Anna spoke. "Kristoff told me all about him. He's smart and funny and is a little socially awkward. But he knows how to be a leader when he has to be. I think he'd be a great match for you." Elsa choked on her drink. A few droplets fell out of her mouth and her cheeks reddened as she gasped for more air. "Are you saying that you set me up on a blind date?!" She asked frantically. Jack's attention was caught like a ball and he looked up in a split second. His face was unreadable. Even his icy blue eyes seemed to lock its windows that led to his soul. "Well yes. He seems great for you!" Kristoff added awkwardly. Elsa shook her head violently. "Nope, nope! Cancel! I'm not seeing him! I'm sorry. I'm too busy. Plus I'm not interested in dating." She finished her sentence and took another sip of water. Jack nodded his head a little at Elsa, but she didn't notice. "Umm, well actually he came to see you." Anna whispered. Elsa's eyes widened once again and she choked on her drink. She wiped some water from her chin with a clean napkin and glared at her sister. "What?! Here's here? In Arendelle?! Anna!" She whined. "Look, I'm sorry we tried to make you happy, but you can't kick him out of the kingdom!" Anna protested. She stood up from her chair. Jack stood helplessly as he watched the fight grow. "Why would you do this? Anna this is so irresponsible! You know I'm not interested in men!" Elsa shouted across the table. Kristoff's face turned red and he awkwardly took a sip from his cold drink of water. He slouched deeper into his seat. "Well, I'm sorry if I tried to make you happy!" She slammed her fork onto the table and it stood upright. She stormed away from the table, back up the stairs, making sure to stomp loudly with each step. "Anna! Anna! Get back here!" Of course, Anna didn't return. "Well... I better go. Thank you for dinner Elsa." Kristoff excused himself. He started slowly, but as he approached the stairs, he started to sprint. Elsa sighed and slumped back in her chair. She covered her eyes with her hands as a head ache struck her like lightning. "She just wanted to help." Jack spoke quietly. "I don't need help," Elsa mumbled. "I'm fine on my own." Jack took a deep breath. "I thought I was fine. But that was before I met you. Now I don't know what I would do without you." He rushed through his words and it was barely audible. Elsa had heard the first part however and she began to blush a little. She sat up straighter and looked straight at Jack's blue hoodie. "Wait, what do you mean?" She stuttered. Suddenly, Jack's face turned into regret as he flew out of the dining hall. "Forget it." He simply said as his face turned red. "Jack wait!" She reached out and grabbed the air. She sighed and played with her food for a few seconds. Then out of nowhere, the tapping of heels echoed throughout the hall, and a thin intimidating woman appeared from behind a wall. "Am I interrupting anything?" Ms. Herring asked with an evil glint in her eyes.

A.N: OH SNAP! There's a love triangle brewing my friends. And comment what you think of Ms. Herring. She was a quick write in, but she will add more drama. And soon, our favorite Frozen villain will return... Anyway, thank you soooooo much for 972 reads! That's insane. I never thought I would make it that far! You guys are the best! Vote, comment, and follow and stay frozen! See ya soon!

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