The Kindness of a Criminal

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On Hans's second day in prison, he was awoken by the sound of a tray hitting the ground and sliding. Hans yawned and looked up from his hay stack. It was a guard bringing breakfast. He locked eyes with Hans and spit in his bowl of food. He cackled and walked to the end of the hallway. Hans wrinkled his nose. It was so early and he was so tired. And there was nothing better then having spit in his food. "Ugh. How can it be morning?" He thought. He was about to push the tray aside when a groggy voice stopped him. "You gonna eat that?" It said. Rudy. Hans looked at him, then at the tray. It was a small bowl of overcooked eggs with small traces of dirt and a wad of spit in the middle. There was also a cup of milk on the side... Spoiled milk. Hans simply stared at Rudy, clearly bewildered. Finally, he slid the tray into his cell. "All yours," he replied as he glanced at Rudy's own empty breakfast tray. "You failed your first test already," Rudy said in between bites of the egg. There were no utensils, so Rudy was forced to wolf down the food with his fingers. "What do you mean I failed my first test?" Hans asked confused. Rudy held his pointer finger up and chewed his food. He swallowed and drank some of the milk. He gurgled the disgusting stuff and then swallowed it, even smiling when he finished his poor breakfast. "If you're going to survive, then you eat what you can eat. No questions asked," he burped and then sighed. Hans rolled his eyes and grabbed the bars. "I don't need to know how to survive here. I just need to," he lowered his voice. "Escape," Rudy stroked his beard slowly. "Look prince, I can probably get you out in a week if I wanted to. But you're just not prepared. Even if I do get you out of your little cell, then what? You'll be caught before you even leave the Southern Isles border. Your first objective is to come up with a solid plan. Then we'll talk." He yawned and laid down on his hay stack. Hans's eyebrows knitted together. "Rudy. Rudy!" He hissed like a snake. "Rudy!" He yelled. "Hey!" A guard down the hall screamed. "Shut up prisoner, or I'll make you shut up!" He threatened. Hans mimicked his words silently. "I have to say though, you've got guts." Rudy said. So Hans was left there, thinking of a plan to escape. For three days, Hans came up with plans. But after each plan, they were rejected by Rudy. Already, Hans was getting thinner, despite Rudy's suggestion to eat the food no matter how disgusting. Finally, Hans presented his latest plan to Rudy in a quiet voice. As Rudy listened, he closed his eyes, rob ably to visualize the idea. When he finished, Rudy nodded slowly. "If you play your cards right, then you can be back in Arendelle by the end of the week," Hans grinned. "So, you said your guys would be willing to help me-" "If you helped them in return. Each one of them needs something different. However they need someone powerful enough to lead them. Someone who is able to get what they need. They're either too poor or thugs. So they can't do it on their own. Or they need more help. Get them to swear their loyalty to you first. Then you're in business," Hans nodded. "So, how do you know these guys? And who are they?" He asked. Rudy stood up a little. "When I was younger, I was friends with a boy who was quite clueless. But he was kind. He always wanted an education, but he was too poor. Perhaps he realized that he was clueless," Rudy cleared his throat. "His name is Axel. He considered me one of his best friends, even when I was put in prison. Now, there are two people who are only young men. They're identical twins. You might remember the Raid of the Southern Isles, am I correct?" He asked Hans. Hans nodded sadly. When he was a small boy, the island of Berk was taken over by a powerful empire. Berk was hopelessly forced to follow orders of the empire. And one night, the empire forced them to raid the Southern Isles and try and capture it. They had failed, but they managed to kidnap, murder and destroy citizens and property. When the Vikings returned, the empire publicly executed one Viking from Berk, as punishment for failing. Out of anger, they sent a message to the other colonies of the empire to rebel. After one year, they finally took down the empire and freed everyone, including Berk. A little later however, they would run into a new war. Dragons vs. Vikings. Rudy continued after a moment of silence. "The twins, Alexander and Eret, lived with their parents in a small house in town. Their house was burned down during the raid sadly. And in an effort to protect them, their parents were killed. They moved into the orphanage which was crawling with other children who lost their families in the raid. But the orphanage was low on money and space, so they kicked out some older children. Alexander and Eret were one of the oldest, being ten years old. They survived on the streets. One winter night, when Eret was sick and hungry, his brother was begging for someone to take them in. I took them in and fed them both. Eret was cured from his sickness. And they were forever in my debt," Rudy brushed away something in his eye. A tear? He sniffled and continued. "The last person. His name is Christian. He used to be the butcher in town. He closed his shop however after the raid. Out of grief. His wife was murdered and his baby daughter was kidnapped. He would do anything to search for her, for she could still be alive. Unfortunately, he was too poor to travel and no one would help him. He was a well known gambler in the pub. He always tried to win some money, but he always lost what he didn't have. Christian was so desperate, he came to me. By that time, I was Rudy Hawk, the master criminal. Rumors were circling that I would be taking over the kingdom. And they were right! On the attempt part. Anyway, he came to me. He wanted to learn to hijack a ship. Before I could actually give him a few pointers, I was captured," Hans rolled his eyes but was interrupted. "But wait. He still comes to the prison to learn some tricks. And in a couple of days, he should be visiting. Maybe even tomorrow. You must tell him. I will get him to find the rest of the boys." Suddenly a guard walked by with a whip in his hand. "Neither of you know when to shut up do you?" He cracked his whip and waved his hand. A second guard came with a whip. They opened both their cells...

A.N: Just one more chapter and then we'll get back to some Jelsa. Just thought that you'd enjoy some backstory. Comment, vote, follow, and spread the word about my story. Comment if you would like a short story about Christian's daughter. Anyway, thanks so much. Hope you enjoyed it. Love you! Stay frozen!

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