Accidents happen// Carlos Sainz Jr

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Prompt: request by @Donna806


"You know i can come by or, or, you can come over here!" I can't stop the warm smile that spreads across my face as I hold my phone between my shoulder and cheek. I put the clothing basket on my hip, picking up items of clothing that are found throughout the house.

My mother-in-laws worry isn't taken by surprise or even annoyance. I know she means well and I find her worry endearing- it's a gentle reminder of where exactly my husbands worried tendencies come from.

"Reyes ..." I say her name with a soft sigh, hoping to her again get my point across of why I favor just staying in my home.

"I know, I know, I just worry about you all alone while pregnant" she says before I can continue my whole speech about how I love the freedom and peace of just staying home when Carlos is away. It makes it harder to kiss him when I'm constantly surrounded by the things we call ours.

"I am doing all good home alone, this baby isn't coming for a few more months and I am doing just fine" I tell her- a slight strain in my voice as I climb up the stairs, ready to tackle the upstairs- like I've told her every time she shares her worries about me being home alone while pregnant. She wasn't as worried as she was a few months ago, but as I get closer to the due date she's been trying to convince me to not stay somewhere alone more often than not.

"You would tell me if you weren't?" She ask, genuine worry still in her voice.

The question makes me chuckle while nodding, "of course I would, to ease your nerves how about we go out to lunch today? I can show You the newest ultrasound pictures" I tell her happily, mentally pumping a fist when I realize the upstairs is clean enough to be left alone.

"Honey you should be resting!" She almost shouts the words. I can't help but cringe at the loud noise so close to my ear, but with both my hands holding the basket in left to deal with the temporary loudness.

"Reyes I am doing just fine, I've been cleaning all day I don't think a lunch will be the thing that gets me" I tell her, a joking tone to my words. Reyes mutters incoherent Spanish words, that sound a lot like curses, under her breath.

"You should be taking it easy!" She tells me and I sigh.

"You know I can't sit still like that, plus I'm not doing anything crazy. Just keeping busy around the house" I tell her as I approach the stairs.

"You are just as headstrong as Carlos" she mutters, the mention of my husband brings a dreamy smile to my face. Yes staying in our own home helps with the feelings of missing him as he's away, but it doesn't completely get rid of them.

"Maybe that's why we work so well" I joke as start walking down. I don't think much about the fact I'm wearing socks on the slippery hardwood stairs, but when I feel my foot start to skid against the ground a surprised yelp falls from my mouth.

I try to steady myself but with both hands taken, I'm left with nothing to stop myself as I feel my feet leave the ground. My phone drops from the crook of my neck as I start to fall.

It feels like that feeling we all get when we're sleeping, the ground feels so far away and it's like I'm falling in slow motion. I drop thé basket im my hands and try to grab onto anything within reach but I'm left with nothing but empty air. So I wrap my arms around my tummy as a last minute and hopeful protection to the baby inside it.

And then I hit the ground. And I feel shots of pain climb up my body before everything goes dark.

Carlos' POV

I look away from the front of the room when I feel a buzz from my phone. Charles and other nearby people look over to me at the sound, everyone usually puts our phones on silent during meetings but of course I have a few people still able to reach me when my phones put on silent.

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