The Cat and the Herbalist

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Well, time to get to the next chapter. Previously, we met the Red Prince, and not the Red King, and we challenged him to a deadly game of chess. We won, but then we had to leave. And we also met the Curious Cat as well. So yeah, that's that. Let's continue on...
*3rd Person POV*

Outside the premises of the Crimson Castle, Ruby, along with the others who were still small and in her hood, are currently searching for the Curious Cat, but with no luck.

Ruby: "Here kitty, kitty, kitty! Here kitty, kitty, kitty! Oh... c'mon, kitty."

Azure: "Where's a ball of yarn when we need it?" He said as a joke.

Rosa: "I would go for a laser pointer instead!" She said with some seriousness.

Blake: (unamused) "Really, guys? That's not funny at all."

Yang found it amusing, while Weiss and Vert simply shook their heads.

Little: (yelps) "Eek!" They cower in Ruby's hood. "The cat's hindquarters!" They whispered.

The Curious Cat's tail can be seen sticking out of the tall grass on the side of the path.

Ruby: "Um... Excuse me?"

Curious Cat: "You're excused!"

Ruby and the others get startled and notices the Curious Cat is behind Ruby. Little gets scared again and hides inside Ruby's hood. Team RWBY and AVR watch the Curious Cat walking without their hindquarters. The Cat then joins both of their body parts together. Ruby shakes her head.

Ruby: "Uh... Hello, uh, cat. Curious Cat? Which one do you go by?"

Curious Cat: "Oh! I don't go by. That belongs to the days and the years. But if you are asking what I am, I am indeed a cat, most curious."

Ruby: "Of course." She lets out a slight laugh. "Look, my friends and I really need to get to that giant tree, and so far, nothing we tried has gotten us any further."

Weiss: "It looks to me like we're even farther!"

Yang: "Yeah, I think that's because we're six inches tall."

Vert: "That's just from our perspective."

Azure: "It could be all of the above."

Curious Cat: "The tree... Tree, tree, tree, tree..." He gasps. "Of course. That is most definitely impossible. You do not go to the tree, the tree goes to you. Unless, of course, you're me, you see."

Yang: (unimpressed) "Not even a little bit."

Curious Cat: "Well, that's your problem. It's a matter of perspective, I'm afraid."

Rosa: "But, uh, couldn't you take us then? You'd been there before."

Curious Cat: "So why would I ever want to go back? Yes, I'm glad we understand one another. No sense it seems a sight seen."

The Curious Cat notices a yellow butterfly and pounces at it.

Blake: "Please. You helped Alyx when she was--"

Curious Cat: "Alyx? ''Alyx'' Alyx? How do you know her? Are you friends of hers? Lifelong nemeses? Wait. Don't tell me." There was a short pause. "Okay. No, tell me."

Ruby: "Oh, well, we don't know her personally. Just uh..."

Weiss: "She wrote a book about her entire adventure in the Ever After."

Curious Cat: (surprised) "A book? Is it well-liked?"

Blake: "It's kind of a childhood favorite of everyone's, where we're from."

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