Chapter I

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Dakota's POV

It's a sunny afternoon and I don't even know what I am going to do today. Premieres are done and I am about to start filming an upcoming movie here in new york in about 2 weeks, so basically I have more time for myself before it yay....not.

Life has been pretty damn boring, ever since premieres of Fifty Shades of Grey are done. I really miss the cast though, I had the best relationship with the people involved in that film, even the camera crew......

especially, the man behind fifty. Oh Jamie.

I miss him so much. There wasn't a dull moment when I'm with him. The moment when I first met Jamie was a moment I could never ever forget. To be honest, even though I'm doing some random shit, that memory will randomly pop in my head and will instantly make me feel better......It's like my happiness is in his hands and the thought of him, makes me feel like I've ingested a bottle of happy pills.

But enough with that thought. I've been debating about what Jamie really is for me. I don't think, I'll ever live a life peacefully with jamie labeling me only as a "close friend" I had a lot of guy friends while growing and none of them ever made me feel the way jamie did. He was special.

Distracting me from my thoughts, Zeppelin, my canine bundle of sunshine started barking from the kitchen while I hear him playing with his dog bowl.

"You hungry, buddy?" while giving him a rub on the belly.

He answered me with a bark, sticking his tongue out while wagging his tail.

I got up, and reached for Zep's favorite dog food on top of the refrigerator and poured it out on his dog bowl.

"What's wrong?" giving my dog a confused look, while he's staring at his food. He looked up and started walking a way.......when he came back, he was dragging another dog bowl in front of me.

"Oh....your milk. Sorry buddy, we ran out but why don't we go to the store and fetch you some? Is that good enough for you my Zep?" he barked and licked me while jumping up and down on my thighs.

I gave him a kiss on his head and went to my bedroom to get his leash. Since it's only me and him ever since I started working and moving out and about in different cities.......our relationship grew more than just a pet and it's owner. I love my little zep.

"Come here buddy, let's go" he ran to me and I bent down to put his leash firmly on his neck while I grab my bag and phone on the way out.

New york is mighty fine, I might say. I love this city. For me, it's the city of dreams. Broadway........empire Yes fucking Mcdonalds.....I know that it's all over the country, but still in new york.....that clown is everywhere.

I was on the way to a local store to fetch my dog's milk and some chips and soda to keep me company in the emptiness of my big apartment. I'm planning to watch series all night, and probably eat myself to sleep......gonna get fat before shooting starts.

As I got Zeppelin his favorite milk, I started roaming around in the foods aisle.......well specifically, the junk food aisle drooling all over the sweets and chips stacked beside me, then I thought

"I was wrong......heaven does exist"

Yeah, I love unhealthy foods. It's unhealthy and will probably kill me if I don't stop but deciding to take the risk because it's good as fuck.

I was pushing my cart slowly, trying to make up a decision on what to get then suddenly a cart from behind me pushed me so hard that I fell flat on my face.

"What the hell dude?" I couldn't contain the anger in my voice, because that hurts a lot. When I turned around I saw a little girl, wearing a navy-blue dress, with her hair all tied up, with a touch of a big blue bow on the side. I couldn't see her though because my hair went forward from the fall, blocking my eyes.

"um....hi?" she said in a soft and in a "not quite sure" kind of tone but still cute.


Wait.......I know that voice.

"Dulcie?" I said in a reassuring voice, while removing the hair covering my face.

"OH OH OH OH DAKIE DAKIE HELLO DAKIE" she jumped up and down, before she helped me stand up and hugged my legs. Oh my god, a tiny adorable angel.

"Awww, hi little angel. I missed you" I picked her up and spun her around the air in my arms. She let out a very loud giggle that made my heart melt inside. Oh what a beauty, Dulcie is. I could stare at her bright blue eyes for as long as I could.

Suddenly realizing she's here.....a thought comes to me.

"Um.....Dulcie......why are you in New York? are you with, sweetheart? " I let her down gently and she started dragging me towards the beverage aisle. I grabbed my cart with a sleeping Zeppelin in it.


"Duclie? Oh fuck. Dulcie? Where are you, sweetie?..........Oh my god, where is that little girl" A deep frustrated irish tone, echoes across the store. oh damn.

I think I'm going to faint.

My fifty.

Author's Note.

Hi guys, It's been a while since I last wrote on wattpad but It's good to be back. Right now, I'm totally obsessed with Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan's chemistry on FSOG so I got inspired into writing a story about them.

I've been thinking about posting this for a while, so now I'm taking the risk.

Hope you guys will enjoy.

Love you xo

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