Chapter XIV

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Dakota's POV 

To be honest, I don't really know how to fix all of this. I'm scared too, I don't want to die but there can't be too fearful people in danger. At least, one of them has to be fearless for someone who can't. I believe I need to suck it all up because if it is hard for me. It's harder for Jamie. 

Dulcie is still young to experience all of this in life. As much as possible, we have to teach dulcie how to handle this kind of thing. She's too young but at least guide her in every step. 

I and Jamie transferred to the breakfast bar, maybe a cup of tea will help him. He's been tense lately, even though there were small breaks, still the majority of his time, he's in pain......more or less frightened for his life.........especially for his daughter. 

I handed him his tea and placed a plate of cinnamon roll next to him. Maybe, sugar can help him lighten up a bit. That's what I do in nerve-cracking situations. 

"You should eat that.." I know it's not the time for eating but he needs it, I won't push him if he doesn't want to but to my surprise, he finishes it in 3 bites. Jesus. 


I smiled at him weakly, knowing that he's too occupied with his thoughts right now. I put the plate and cup he used in the dishwasher and head towards Dulcie's direction. 

"Hey baby girl, let's go to my bedroom and play there" I carried her in my arms and head in my bedroom. I decided to leave Jamie to himself for a while, just to try, he needs time to himself. I don't want to distract him. 

"Where's daddy?" 

"He's in the living room, sweetheart. He needs time alone but he's okay" 

"Is daddy sad, dakie?" 

She's only 2 years old but she's more curious than most kids her age. 

"She's okay darling, don't worry about daddy. He's strong" 

"No dakie, daddy's not strong..." 

I wanted to cry, I don't know why. My throat hurts and I'm trying to control the heat I feel in my chest. 

"Why do you say that?" I said while I slid the hair covering her face behind her ear. 

"Daddy cried.....he cried hard" 

"Daddy cried because he was concern about his princess okay? He doesn't want anything bad happening to his princess "

"But.....mommy won't do anything bad to me" 

Oh this child. It's breaking my heart. 

"She won't princess, your mommy loves you very much" 

I kissed her nose that made her giggle and we started to play with the dollies she has in her backpack. 

For some reason, her enjoyment warmed my heart. It is true when a parent says that babies will bring the light to a dark family. 

"Mommy said she'll come back for me....." 

and at that moment, I just thought......FUCK NO. 

"When did she told you that, sweetheart?" I carried her and settle her in my lap wrapping my arms around her stomach. 

"When you and daddy were in here.......she kissed me and said she'll be back for daddy" 

She doesn't even know why her mommy's coming back for her daddy. 

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