Chapter XIII

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Dakota's POV 

Have you ever felt being lifted by a person? Not, literally like lifting you off the ground but.....

Kind of like, lifting you off the face of the earth and taking you to a whole new world only the two of you exist.  

Well, that's kind of like what Jamie did 

It was mind-blowing at the same time, passionate. 

and I love him.

Very much. 

We went outside my bedroom, fixed ourselves, just to look presentable and not weird in front of Dulcie. 

"Baby Girl!" I screamed and before I know it, she's chugging my t-shirt, telling me "I'm down here" kind of gesture. 

I lifted her and kissed her beautiful chubby red cheeks repeatedly. Jamie went into the bathroom, well, because, nature calls. So I decided to fix Dulcie a sweet meal. 

"You want something sweet, princess?" 

"YES! YES! YES!" she said while jumping up and down the couch. 

"Okay, okay sweetheart. Dakie will make you something sweet and soft" 

I was preparing her mashed bananas with chocolate syrup drizzled on it, but not too much. 

I still can't stop thinking about Jamie. I had the time to fully inspect every part of him, while he's slowly devouring me with his glances, his touch, his words, his movements.......even his breathing. I noticed how his eyes sometimes don't align when we stare at each other for too long,  his eyes that hold more shine than the existing galaxies out in open space, his body that is built for a god, built for someone as perfect as him.......not me. 

I still thank the man above for letting our paths crossed. The first time I met him, my jaw went straight to the floor. I've met other guys, other models, other actors........but Jamie.....he' in a million. 

There's so many fish in the sea, but I feel like no one will ever be more enough than Jamie. Not even anyone can be just the same as Jamie.  

My thoughts were interrupted when Dulcie started to scream my name asking for her food. 

"Sorry baby girl, here you go...." I laid it down on her high chair and I head to the sofa where she's laying down on her stomach imitating Minnie Mouse. 

"It's time to eat your sweeties" I carried her and pinched her nose making her giggle. I hugged her tight and give her raining kisses on her face. 

I was about to place her in her high chair when I saw something familiar. 

A white paper.






I read the notes placed on Dulcie's high chair that made me shake uncontrollably. 

Oh shit, Jamie. 

Jamie's POV 

I washed my face after finishing my business and still thinking about my blue-eyed goddess in the kitchen. 

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