Chapter XXIV

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"Hello Dakota....."

I looked at Jamie with confusion mixed up with pity and disappointment and.......and.....and. 

Fuck, I thought he loved me. 

"Thank you baby! Job well done" Amelia said, coming towards Jamie and giving him a very long and passionate kiss on the lips.


"Anything for you, love!" he said while smiling at Amelia, draping his arms around her and hugging her close to him.


Amelia comes towards me, inspecting me from head to toe, she caresses my cheeks, while giving me that disgusting smile of hers. My breathing becomes ragged, I don't know what to feel anymore. This son of a bitch ruined my life. 

"Dakota....." she whispers in my ear. 

"The last time I saw you, I though I killed you darling............I'm very much disappointed that I didn't reach my goal that day" her tone makes me sick to my stomach. 

"You're not going to get away with this, won't.  YOU'RE ONE TWISTED BITCH!" I attempted to slap her hard in the face, but before I can do my intentions, two men dressed in black grabs me and throws me into a large cage, fit for a woman my size. 


"Oh dakota, darling, I'm not the one who's in a cage...."

they all laugh together, including Jamie. I stared at him with eyes of hurt and extreme anger. No actually, anger is an understatement, my anger came all the way from hell.  I started kicking the walls of the cage, trying my best to escape. I screamed my heart out continuing my unbearable behavior.


"Yes darling?" 

"Our new pet is not behaving very well, can you give her your worst punishment...." 

Jamie gave me a mischievous smile before he turned around and leave my sight. After what feels like forever, he's carrying a small black box.......well I think it was, It was dark and I can't see it very well. 

He comes near my cage and kicked it from behind. I gave him a dark look and kicked it back in response. He kneels down and violently grabs my shirt forcing me to come close to him. 

He leans closer to me, making eye contact. Blue eyes to..........dark eyes. Very dark eyes. 

"You've been a very very bad girl....."  he whispers, he stared at me for more than a minute and stands up. He goes to the other side of the cage, I don't want to look at him. I don't want to follow him. I just don't. 

And there it was......

a shock of electrical current flowing through my body making me feel paralyzed, I screamed and screamed, the pain, the heat going through every part of my body. I can't move, my head bumped too many times on the sides of the steel cage. 

It happened again.....

and again....

and again.....

I hear muffled laughs from all of the evil people surrounding of them was the man I love the most. 

Then all I can hear was my own own cry for help. They continue electrocuting me, they're slowly killing me. I can feel my heart beat slow down. I can feel my lungs looking for any sources of air. 

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