Chapter VIII

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Dakota's POV.

We heard Dulcie scream from my bedroom. I pushed Jamie off of me and we both ran as fast as we can in my bedroom.

We got there and saw Dulcie on top of the bed, holding a pillow crying.

"What wrong, sweetie?"

"Dadda...." she said, trying to control her sobs while sucking her thumb.

"What's wrong, baby girl?" I grabbed her in my arms and tried calming her down. I kissed her forehead and buried her head into my neck.

"Dulcie, can you tell dakie what's wrong?"

"Dakie.....mommy.....I saw mom--mmy"

"You saw, mommy? Mommy millie?" I asked confused and a bit sad realizing the probably Dulcie is just missing her mommy.

"Yes......she's bedroom"

I looked at Jamie, concerned and still really confused about what Dulcie is trying to explain.

"Jamie, Dulcie misses her mommy. She said that she saw her here" I said to Jamie while looking at dulcie kissing her cheeks, still trying to calm her down.

I looked up and saw Jamie staring at my bedroom window.

"What's wrong, Jamie?"

He walked towards it giving me a really concerned and curious look.


"Yes? What's wrong?"

"Is this window.....always open?"

"What are you talking about? I keep windows shut in my apartment"

"But this one's open...."

I noticed Dulcie is already asleep in my arms, I put her down and tucked her in bed. I went out to the living room and gave dulcie the pig, so she can cuddle with it.

I looked up at Jamie and he's now holding plain gold flats.

"What's that?" I asked him while trying to inspecting the shoes he's holding.

"Dakota, is this yours?"

", I don't own any gold flats. Just a pair of gold heels but not flats"

Jamie's eyes widen like he's trying to remember some memory. I'm still confused and seriously, If he's trying to make me figure out something, I.....just...can't.

He started walking back and forth in my room, trying to put the puzzles together and I'm still to the window......confused as fuck. JUST TELL ME JAMIE.

"Jamie, can you please just tell me what's wrong? You're scaring me...."

He still continues walking back and forth, I finally went in his direction and suddenly he stopped. For some reason, I stopped walking towards him. He picked up something from the side of my bedroom.

A white paper?

After a minute or two of holding the paper. He looked at me with much horror on his face.




"What about her?"

"She was here....."


Jamie's POV.

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