Chapter VII

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Jamie's POV 

My dick is twitching for what I just did. 

 You just got into a divorce, dornan. Now you're kissing some girl whom you just had sex with in a movie. 

Fuck my thoughts. 

This isn't just any other girl....

This isn't just any other co-actor. 

She's dakota. 

and She's perfect. 

I went outside the bathroom and wrapped my waist with a towel. I step out and saw Dakota over the breakfast counter, cooking something in her kitchen. In her natural habitat. Surrounded with food. 

That's my dakota. 

She turned around, catching me staring at her, and gave me a warm smile. I'm completely smitten. 

I smiled back as I scan her living room, looking for my bag. 

"Yours and Dulcie's bag is in my room now, in case you're wondering"  she giggled and continued with her cooking. 

"Thank you, Dakota"  I held her waist, making her jump. 

"No no.......thank you, Jamie. For staying with me and keeping me company." her soft voice does things to me in a way I can't explain. 

I'm turned on at the same time, my heart is being thawed. 

we stared at each other for quite some time, still holding her waist. She finally breaks the silence, noticing her ears and cheeks are getting red. Cute. 

"Jamie, you should put clothes on" I embarrassed that I'm still holding her waist completely topless. 

I let go of her and smirked before I turned around heading to her bedroom. 

 "your body does things to me...."  

She walks away, leaving me with a hard dick and a quick heartbeat. Fighting the urge to pin her to a wall and fuck the life out of her.


I finished taking a quick shower and changing into my sweats and white shirt. I head to Dakota's room to get Dulcie and changed her into her onesie. 

"Let's go eat dinner, baby girl. Dakie has made us something special..." 

I went out of the bedroom holding dulcie in my arms. We came out smelling the aroma of roasted chicken crawling through our noses. 

"Mmmmmm....chicken" me and dulcie said in unison. 

"Like father, like daughter" I hear dakota while she's busy fixing the breakfast bar for us to eat on. 

"Hey, maybe I should do that, you're still sore" 

"No, I'm okay, this actually makes me feel better. Preparing dinner for you and this little angel, right here...." she carried dulcie in her arms while giving her a squeeze. "MY GOD YOU'RE SO CUTE I WANT TO KEEP YOU" 

"She's yours too....." the words were out before I stop it. 

"What?" she gives me a confusing look but blushes at the same time. Oh you know what I mean baby. 

I laughed in response. 

"Come and sit, dinner is ready" 

I carried dulcie to the breakfast bar and sat her down.  I sat down next to my baby girl and held her back the whole time. 

Dakota stared at the two of us and cocked her head to the side before disappearing. She went inside her bedroom for a while and when she came back she's carrying a high chair for dulcie. 

"I bought this for her, in case you guys visit here. You can bring it back home if you want to" 

Dulcie's eyes widen with a matching grin on her face, seeing the tall pink, wooden high chair. 


I grabbed dulcie in my arms and sat her in her very own high chair. Dakota kissed her forehead and pointed an embossed "Duclie" at the side of the chair. 

"look dulcie, it has your name on it"  Dulcie clapped her hands, the grin on her face gets wider and wider. My happy baby girl. 

"Thank you for this, dakota. You shouldn't have" 

"Oh that's nothing, I love seeing her happy" 

We went on eating our very delicious dinner. My baby can cook. 

Dakota finished hers and started collecting the dishes. 

"This is the first time I tasted your cooking and I must say, It's very good" 

She turned around and spanked herself with a spatula. "That's what I do...." and winked at me. 

I laughed at the same time very turned on with what she did. She winced. 

"Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, forgot that I have a bruise there," she said while scratching her bum. 

She looks so cute my god.  

As Dakota finished doing the dishes, I already tucked Dulcie in bed. 

"Where will you sleep?" 

"Oh, I'll stay here in the living room. The couch is comfortable so, I have no problem with it" 

"Maybe, I should sleep there" 

"No, stay with your daughter, she will look for you" 

"You sure? You're still sore" 

"I'm fine Jamie, don't worry about me. The couch is big enough for a petite woman like me" she blows me a kiss, as I catch it in the air jokingly. 

"go with your daughter now, she's probably looking for you" 

She settled herself on the couch, holding close the pig I gave her. Lucky bacon. 

"Good night, dakota" I turned away from her about to close the lights when....

"Jamie, wait" 

I turned around and I saw her jogging towards me and before I knew it. Her lips are in mine, more passionate than the first one inside the shower. I grabbed her waist carefully, aware that she still has bruises all over her body. The way her soft red lips move in mine makes me feel like I've already reached the world beyond the universe. I pushed my tongue in hers gently, and she reacted by doing the same. Her hands started caressing my hair and my back. We sat down on the couch and settled her on top of me, without breaking the kiss. 

I laid her down gently, being cautious on the parts that still hurts her. 

"Make love to me, Jamie...." she whispers. 

"You're still sore baby" 

"and you're the only one that can make everything feel better" 

I started removing her shirt as fast as I can. She removed mine and she started kissing my chest and neck making me moan. 

I kissed her forehead, her nose, her neck, and back to her red lips. 

my hands reached the hook of her bra, eager to remove it from her flawless, snow-white skin. 

and then....


a crying dulcie screamed from dakota's bedroom. 

Oh, baby girl. 

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