Chapter XXXIII

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Dakota's POV 

3 weeks later.

Me and Jamie decided to have an engagement party where mine and his family are invited including some of the cast of Fifty Shades, Erika and Sam. 

We held it in Cafe Royal Hotel here in london, plus I have a surprise for my fiancee.  

We checked in 2 days before. Today is the party and it'll start at 3:30 in the afternoon. Right now, I'm busy picking out the perfect outfit, only because this is a great day for me. 

"Hey baby, how do I look?" I see Jamie walking towards me, in a white shirt open at the top, with tight black slacks and pure black leather shoes. My jaw just drop 10 floors down. 

"Honey, you look breathtaking!" I said, staring at him from head to toe. I observe him as he folds the sleeves of his shirt all the way up to his upper arm. Oh fuck me. 

"What?" amused that I'm staring at him with my mouth slightly open. 

"Mommy, Daddy look!" my thoughts are interrupted when Dulcie runs in between us twirling around like a ballerina, showing us her very beautiful beige dress, tight at the top and floaty at the bottom. 

"You look gorgeous, princess" I said, kneeling down to fix her hair that is covering her face. I comb it and put a plain white clip at the side. "There, perfect" I kiss her cheeks and she runs off to the bed and watches Cinderella. 

"What about you?" Jamie asks. 

"What do you mean?" 

"You're not yet dressed, Dakota" oh shit, right. 

I hurry up to the bathroom and picked up my flesh sleeveless dress, with a small belt at the middle and a skirt that is a bit poofy below, kind of like it has a small petticoat attached to it. It's very hard to explain but you get the picture (the picture above is the picture of the dress I imagined) 

I put my hair in a stable bun and added light make-up all over my face. I put my white heels and checked my face for the last time before I go out of the bathroom. 

"Yeah that'll do" 

I go out and I see Dulcie and Jamie arguing about Dora's expedition. I'm not sure what they're arguing about but It looks serious. I slowly walk towards them and together they stare at me with wide eyes. My smile faded, suddenly conscious about what I look. 

"You look like a princess, mommy" she said with wide eyes matching her wide smile. I turn to Jamie who's still staring at me like I'm being followed by a ghost. 

"Jamie, wake up!" he jolts to his senses and caresses my cheeks. "I don't even know how to explain how gorgeous you look. I mean, wow" he said in between giggles. 

My phone rings and It's my mom. They said that they're downstairs already with Jamie's family and the cast of fifty shades. 

I tug Jamie's hand who tugs Dulcie's hand and all together we went out the door, tugging each other's hands cause we're weird like that. 

We went down and everyone was there. I get so emotional knowing that all of the people I love and care for are in one place at the same time. They clap their hands once me and Jamie enters. We sat at the middle of everyone, where a square table covered with white linen is positioned. 

The whole room is filled with different colored lanterns and flowers. With banners hanging from the sides of the walls. It's looks like some sort of festival themed event. 

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