Chapter XXXIX

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Orlando, Florida. 

"Stay beside me okay? Dulcie, darling, can you hold tight on Nicholas' stroller while clutching Daddy's hands please" Having kids is tough to be honest, you might think that giving birth to them is the hardest part but It's not, It's taking care of them actually. It's a tough job but I love every second of it. 

We're finally in the hogsemeade village, my inner potterhead is beaming. You know when I was still young, I kept on telling my mom that when I attend high school, I want it to be in hogwarts and I promised her that I would study real hard if I go there. But then my mom told me that people who go to hogwarts get their letters at the age of 11, and I was 12 already so, I got sad and cried. 

"Mommy mommy!" Nicholas keeps on squealing, shaking his rattle, and pointing to random sites we pass through. His smile is way too adorable to resist, I can't stop pinching his chubby red cheeks. 

I look over Jamie who's smiling like an idiot, taking pictures of the village on his phone. I tap him on the shoulders and he looks directly to me, his expression was filled with excitement. He looks just like Nathan when he's being like that. 

"Honey! Honey! Honey!" Jamie's jumping up and down pointing to a store where people are coming in and out with butterbeers. "Let's go there please please please I've been wanting to try one all my life" I mock him, rolling my eyes like I was about to disagree. He tugs my shirt and continue jumping up and down like a little boy seeing a toy car for the first time

"Okay okay, calm down Jamie. Geez, we're going!" I push him down to the ground making him stop jumping, he claps his hands and runs towards the store without even taking a second glance to check up if we're right behind him. 

"That was good! this is the best day of my life!" he shouts for joy, raising his arms up in the air like he's just won the lottery. 

I clear my throat, sending him a message that maybe marrying me was the best day of his life. His mouth shapes into a perfect "o" and gives me an apologetic smile "I love you" he whispers.  I roll my eyes at him and walk away, pretending like I was hurt.......but it hurt just a bit. But not enough to make me mad, just enough to make me pretend I'm mad. 

He runs over me and starts kissing my shoulders. "I'll make it up to my wife, I promise" oh yeah he bought it. 

Jamie's POV 

"Daddy! Daddy I want this one" we are currently at the Olivander's shop and we are picking out our very own wands. Dulcie wants the white one and Nicholas was too busy playing with her tiny stuffed broom to even pick one himself. But it's okay, giving him a wand to play with is too dangerous for his age. 

Dulcie gasped and squealed in excitement, getting a hold of her own wand. She start swishing and swaying the wand in all direction, mumbling some words, pretending that she actually has powers. I look over Dakota who's now having a duel with Dulcie. I take my camera and took a video of the two of them. I carry Nico in my arms and he mimics the actions of his big sister and mother, but using his broom. 

"Mommy mommy!" Nicholas screamed, Dakota looks in his direction, and Nico suddenly aims at her using his broom, now wand. Dakota clutches her shirt, acting like Nico actually hurt him and I thought Nicholas would laugh because he aimed at his own mother, but he cried when he saw Dakota on the floor, playing dead. 

"Oh no no no no no baby boy no!" he's so cute, his eyes get puffy really quick just like his mother. "Mommy's okay, nico, look at her she's fine" I point at Dakota who's now smiling at Nicholas and sticking out her tongue, making him laugh at once. I started to kiss his face all around, I look over at Dulcie who's still enjoying her wand, I call her out and started kissing her face too. 

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