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Dakota's POV 

I woke up with the sound of kitchen ware crashing to the floor. I hurriedly grab my bathrobe and run down the stairs faster than I could. 

I saw Jamie on the floor with a pot on his head and mittens on both his hands. He has tongs on the right and a spatula on the left. He looks at me with wide eyes, like it's suppose to be something he doesn't want me to see. Oh my husband. 

"Honey......what are you doing" I asked slowly walking towards him. 

"Good morning" he said waving the spatula he's holding. 

"Where's Nicholas and Dulcie?" I asked, grabbing the pot on his head. 

"Mommy mommy mommy mommy!" a enthusiastic Nicholas comes running to me with a tired 7 years old Dulcie running behind him.

"He's impossible to catch, daddy!" she said panting with a 2ft long rope over her shoulders. 

I look at Dulcie and Jamie trying to figure out what they're playing at. I take the rope and hold it turning over Jamie with a confused look asking what's it for. 

"Dulcie and I are a team and Nicholas was an alien Invader"  he said pouting, like what he's telling me is childish and he's embarrassed. Yes Jamie it's childish but cute. 

"Why on earth would a 1 and a half year old little boy go against a 7 years old girl bigger than him and a 35 years old man who happens to be his father?" 

"He's faster than us okay?" he said in defense making me laugh "I'm getting old  and Dulcie's a little girl who hasn't that much experience in running" 

I grab his face and take the spatula and tongs out of his hands. I remove the mittens and fixed his hair. 

"You guys need to rest, It's 9 in the morning and your father here decided to play than make breakfast" eyeing Jamie who grins at me like a 10 years old boy. 

We finish our breakfast and Me and Jamie decided to take the kids out of the country for the weekend. It's Thursday today, so we leave tomorrow morning at 10. We're going back to America and spend a weekend at Florida. We're going to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter! 

To be honest, Me and Jamie are more excited than the kids. They haven't actually seen Harry Potter but we'll watch it in the hotel or something. 

"Have you booked the tickets Jamie?" I asked rubbing his hands repeatedly while we watch Friends in the living room. 

"I DID! AND I'M EXCITED AS FUCK!" I slap his hands knowing Dulcie and Nico are playing on the floor near us. 

"Don't curse infront of the kids!" I snap, making him apologize. 

Nico stands up, his chubby legs walking towards me and his daddy. Dulcie's just sitting there playing with Nicholas' toys. 

Jamie carries him and let's him seat in between us. I call out Dulcie so she wouldn't be all alone there. She sat next to Nicholas in her daddy's side. 

I huddle closer to them cuddling Nico in my arms while I caress Dulcie's cheeks, Jamie extends his arms, draping it on my shoulders. I love my family. 

"We love you Mommy Dakie and Daddy!" Dulcie whispers. She scoots next to Nicholas and hugs him by surprise. "and I love you too Nicnic....." and kisses him on the cheeks. 

Friday; 9:45 am. 

Jamie's POV

"You guys grab your bags and I'll take our suitcases to the luggage area" I said making my way to the people on first class with us. I hurry back to my family, since the tickets are with me. 

"For 4 people sir, heading to Orlando; first class. This way please" she escorts us to the hallway heading to our plane and thanks us as she leaves. 

I booked the 4 of us on first class, It's a non-stop flight to America so we'll be sitting here for hours. Might as well enjoy the perks of first class while we burn our butts off on flight. 

The plane left at exactly 10 am, the lights on the plane dimmed since It's daylight. I ordered us breakfast since we hadn't eaten anything since we left for the airport. A stack of chocolate chip pancakes, a plateful of bacon and scrambled eggs were served infront of us, waking Nicholas up who was asleep since we boarded. Like mother, like son. 

I check my phone for messages or calls, I informed my family that we're leaving for America. As soon as I was about to ready myself for breakfast, My wife was already stuffing herself with what she calls "A bacon and egg pancake sandwich" of the reasons why I fell in love with her in the first place. 

Hours after eating a heavy breakfast, Nicholas, Dakota and Dulcie were fast asleep. Dakota fell asleep while holding my hands. I took the liberty of observing her face on how peaceful she looks when she's asleep. She's more beautiful than how people describe a queen. 

My wife's amazing. It's nice to say "my wife" repeatedly, knowing that the person you're calling your wife is the person you love the most, truly.  I trace his hands with my fingers, I kiss it knowing that I won't wake her up, I stare at her for a while noticing that her skin is more glowing as each day passes. Her lips are more red than before, her cheeks have more color even without wearing make up. Her hair more silky and alive. Could this woman be more beautiful. 


To think she's my wife, she's mine. All mine. With God's blessing. Ugh, it still gets to me. I love the feeling and I will never get tired of it even if we're old and dying. 

She moves and turns her head to my direction. She smiles and pulls my hand closer to her, she lifts up the seat divider so my body has an access to hers. I look at the kids who's still fast asleep. Good thing our airlines has a private sliding door that we can use anytime. 

Airplane sex? Don't mind if I do. 

Hours and hours and hours has passed. A day has passed in the UK. I fell asleep cuddling next to Dakota, I woke up with two angels beaming at me and dakota. We open our eyes, they started Jumping up and down, hitting us with both their hands. 

"what? what is it?" I said sleepily. 

"WE'RE IN AMERICA!" Dulcie said with excitement in her voice. 

"AMEWICA!"  Nico echoed clapping his tiny hands up in the air. 

I look at Dakota who's looking out the window, the sun reflecting her eyes and skin. Her smile much brighter than the American sun. She looks at me and seems like she's really happy that she's seen sunny America.......It's been a while. UK has been gloomy this past few days because of rain.  

She clasp her hands together and squeals. 

"We're here!"  

Sorry if I didn't update yesterday.  Been up all night studying. Taking a medical course even though I know It's going to be hard as fuck. But anyways, It'll be worth it. 

Love you! xo 


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