Chapter XXX

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Jamie's POV 

1 year later

London, United Kingdom 

It's been a year since the incident happened and I've never been so happy to finally live a life with Dakota and my baby girl. Although sometimes Dulcie who is now 4 years old, wants to go to her mother's grave, cause she told me, Amelia visits her in her dreams. 

We decided to go to the cemetery today just so Dulcie can say the things she wants to say to her mom. Even though she has been a really shitty mother, actually shitty is not even the word. But even though, she still is her mother, I can't change that. 

We arrive a few minutes later. Dakota stayed at home cause she told me she wants to cook dinner for the two of us when we get back to our house. We went to Amelia's grave and offered her flowers. Dulcie picked up white roses, cause she told me "It's mommy's favorite"  she sits next to the vase and hugs the grave of her mother. 

The site of her, makes me sad. She's an amazing kid, even though she has seen the worst. She's seen hell before her, she's heard gunshots and screaming. She's been traumatized, she's been in and out in a child psychologist a lot of times. 

She's still here, beside her mother, bringing her flowers and telling her how much she loves her. 

"Hi mommy! I know you're in heaven right now, but don't worry I have daddy with me. Be good there okay, mommy? Dakota and Daddy are taking care of me so smile mommy because I'm happy" she said while facing Amelia's grave. 

She faces me and I smile, knowing that she's happy with what she did. I take her hand and before we leave she blew a kiss and said good bye. 

"Till next time, Amelia! take care!" I said. 

We were about to leave when I see Dakota by the cemetery gate holding another bouquet of flowers. 

"Dakota? What are you doing here?" I asked, confused. 

"I want to say something to her" she said smiling at me. 

These two girls are really alike. Amelia attempted to kill Dakota 2 times, actually 3 times.....Amelia was the one responsible for the random guys beating up Dakota in the alley in New York. But still, she's here bringing her flowers. 

We followed Dakota back to Amelia's place, she placed her flowers next to Dulcie's. I sat next to her while carrying Dulcie in my arms. 

"Amelia, things didn't go well between the two of us. I know that your existence didn't last very long but even though life fell apart for you, don't you ever forget that you still made 2 great decisions in your life and that is marrying Jamie and giving birth to a beautiful angel. I'm here to tell you, to trust me to take care of your little Dulcie. I won't hurt her, I won't neglect her, I'll treat her as my own. I love her so much and I promise I'll always be here for the two of them. Take care, wherever you are!" 

She stands and looks at us. I asked her "why did you come here?" 

She smiles at me and grabs my hand "Only because, I want her to trust me with the both of you. I know what she did but still she's Dulcie's mother" 

I pull her into a hug, Dulcie draped her tiny arms around Dakota's neck, I kissed both their foreheads making them giggle in unison. 

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