Chapter XXII

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Jamie's POV 

I hurried and ran as fast as I could up to Dakota's room. Dear god, I really hope they're safe. The elevator was taking forever to get up to the 23rd floor.  After, what feels like forever, I got into Dakota's room floor and hurriedly ran not even minding what's blocking my way. 

I clumsily opened the door and saw a sleeping Dulcie on top of Dakota's bed. SHIT WHERE'S DAKOTA. 

"Dakota? Dakota?" I called her name so many times. My god, I haven't panicked this much since I saw someone die before my eyes. 


I turned around and saw an annoyed and still sleepy Dakota rubbing her eyes, curious on why am I shouting her name. I grabbed her up in my arms, hugging her, so glad to see her, kissing her face over and over again. My god, I'm so happy to see them both.

"Um, Jamie?" 


"put me down please"  

I laid her on top of her bed, where Dulcie, whom I thought was asleep but now is looking at me with annoyance in her face. 

"Why are you so noisy daddy!" she shouted while rubbing her eyes. 

I can't help but carry her and cradle her in my arms, knowing that she's here with me, she's safe with me and she's happy with me. I love my Daughter, she's has been a blessing to me and that she will always be. 

I laid her down back in bed realizing that I interrupted her in her peaceful slumber. 

"Jamie, what's wrong?" 

"Nothing, I just realized that I shouldn't leave the two of you alone...." 

she stares at me suspiciously, like she's on her way into finding out the mystery riddle of the Sphynx. 

"Is it, Amelia?" 

" would you even say that" I said nervously while trying to accomplish a convincing smile. 

"You're the worst liar Jamie" she said with a straight face while crossing her arms.

"I'm sorry, It's just that I don't want the two of you involved anymore. I want to fight my own battles. I've given you so much to think about that I feel like I'm the reason why you're here in the hospital." 

"Why were you suddenly so scared? Did Amelia come here?" 

"No she called me a while ago, before she hanged up the phone she told me to never leave you two alone unattended......then I realized I'm downstairs talking to her and the two of you were asleep on the 23rd floor of a hospital. I thought Amelia was here so I panicked" 

"What did Amelia say?" 

I was trying to call our conversation but all I remembered was her laughing at the other of the phone, while I was busy screaming the life out of her. 

"Dulcie's mine and Amelia's daughter, Dakota but because of her, she goes to a psychologist at a young age..........It makes me feel like I'm a bad father" 

"What did the psychologist say to her?" 

"It's going to be hard for Dulcie to erase the memory completely, especially when the one involved is her mom. She thinks Amelia is a demon. I don't even know where she picked that word from" 

For a 2 year old little girl to know what the meaning of "Demon" is. It's not normal for someone so so so young to even use that word. It's alarming. 

"Can't we just file a complaint against Amelia and let the authorities arrest her?" 

"I can't do that, Dakota....."

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