Chapter XI

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Dakota's POV

The fear spread throughout my face. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to react, the situations running through my head are bothering me. I knew that I wasn't safe either but my thoughts bombarded me with things not focusing on my safety but his. 

Oh Jamie. 

Why would even Amelia try to kill him? 

I mean even though she has mental problems, I'm sure something sparked her violent interest. I don't know Amelia personally, I've met her a few times during shooting and during our premiers. I don't see anything wrong with her. 

Maybe, I don't know Amelia that well.......well, I don't know Amelia at all. 

Sometimes you see someone from the outside, inspecting them from head to toe, and think nothing's wrong with them. But you don't know is that that's just skin covering her from what she really is. 

I stared at Jamie and started to think of maybe possible ways to help him from his misery. 

"Jamie?" I can't hide the concern and fright in the tone of my voice. 

"Dakota, I know you're scared okay but...." 

"No Jamie! I'm not scared for me, I'm scared for you" 


"JAMIE! can you please calm down and listen to me!"  the frustration in my voice was too much for me to hide it in a hole. 

I stood up, went to my bedroom, and took Dulcie out of the bed. I sat on the armchair next to the big couch where Jamie's sitting and put Dulcie in my lap. 

"I'm sorry, sweetie for waking you up but I need you to look at daddy and say I love you to him okay?" 

She rubbed her eyes and let out a yawn, sat straight, and gave her sweetest smile. She reached out her arms signaling Jamie to hug her and said

 "I love you, daddy........ so much" 

Jamie took her from my lap and hugged her really tight. A tear escaped from Jamie's eyes while whispering to her little angel "You have no idea how much daddy loves you, sweetheart" 

I sat next to them and reached for Jamie's hand. 

"Stop panicking and don't be have your little angel with you. Isn't that enough strength for you to conquer the problems you have to face? you shouldn't live in fear jamie, remember.....your baby girl loves you and I know she looks up to her daddy.

 I see my daddy as a king when I was a baby girl, and I know dulcie does a king you have to be strong for your little princess" 

He looks at Dulcie straight in the eye and I can't help but feel emotional knowing that an unfinished mission that will risk our lives is at hand but I have to make Jamie strong enough to fight all of this. 

"My princess.....she really is perfect" 

"She does Jamie, she really does" 

He went to the kitchen and grabbed Dulcie's milk and sat her in the high chair that  I bought for her. I looked at the clock and It's almost 6:15 in the morning. 

"Look Jamie, I'm here okay? I'll make sure that you both are safe" I was about to stand to prepare breakfast for the three of us when Jamie stopped me, grabbing my hand real tight. 

"What is it, Jamie?" 

"Dakota, I should be the one taking care of you" 

"You don't have to Jamie...."

"No-no, you were almost killed by random thugs outside.....what do you expect me to do?" 

"Jamie, scars, and bruises may look painful from the outside. But the emotional pain bothering a person may eat the living shit out of them faster than sticks and stones" 

and before I know it, I was in his arms already. Ahhhhh now this is what you call home. 

"You're so strong, Dakota" 

I kissed him on the lips for a brief moment while wrapping my hands around his neck. 

"......and I believe that you are too"  

Jamie's POV 

I just realized how women are so strong when it comes to emotional situations. I believe that men are only built for physical confrontations and arguments. Men need women to help them through the toughest situations a person will encounter at some point in their life. 

and more than that I realized.....

without Dakota.....

I would've been eaten alive by my own thoughts

I went and sat on the breakfast bar next to my daughter who seems to really enjoy herself while watching Peppa Pig on Dakota's TV.  I can't help but laugh at her cuteness. 

"Hey, daddy! here's coffee...." Slamming the coffee mug on the marble surface startling me and making me laugh a bit. 

She winked at me before she walks away towards the frying pan with bacon and eggs in it. 

"You haven't slept all night but you still have the energy to cook and be energetic in the morning" 

"That's how I roll...." she said in the sassiest way she can while snapping her fingers in a Z formation. 

I sipped in the coffee she gave me and my god It was creamy and delicious. Making me feel so much better. 

"Your coffee's delicious" 

"and so is my eggs and bacon...."  placing a platter with 3 long strips of bacon and scrambled eggs on the side. 

"Thanks, Dakota, I must say, you make a great wife...." 

she stopped for a while and turns around. 

"What?"  I said, confused and thinking if what I said was too much. 

"Nothing, what you said.......It made me feel......I don't know"

"Made you feel what?" 


I can't help but smile. My heart started beating really fast and I can feel myself heat up. 


"Well......the thought seemed right to me" 

She walks slowly towards me with a plate of pancakes in her hands and sat next to me. 

"Wel......maybe, I want to be one...." 

"For whom? May I ask" 

She stands up next to me, lowers herself, and before I know it I can feel her breath in my ears. 


"For you, Mr. Dornan" 

Oh, baby, you have no idea how much that thought excites me in so many ways. 

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