Chapter II

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Jamie's POV

Oh my god, Dulcie is missing..........again.

That girl is only a year old and she's starting to grow up into a sneaky little demon. Still, I love her.

"Dulcie, sweetheart, where are you?" I'm starting to get nervous because Dulcie usually calls out "daddy" when she's around the area and right now, I'm about to pass out because I can't hear my baby girl calling me. 

"Daddy.....Daddy" a running Dulcie approaches me, while I sigh in relief. Oh, thank you, Jesus Christ.

"Dulcie, baby girl, please stay with daddy. You're making me nervous little one" as I kiss her head repeatedly. Oh, I will never get tired of this. Her blonde hair smells like a strawberry from her favorite Minnie Mouse shampoo. Her blue eyes, matching with her breathtaking smile. Oh, I thank god every day for blessing me with this angel.

I put her inside the cart so she wouldn't go running away and then suddenly......I heard another familiar voice........another angel is nearby and I know exactly who that beauty is.

"Dulcie? Don't run from Dakie. I can't catch up....." catching her breath, her hair all messy but still looks absolutely breathtaking.

Dulcie stands up in the cart and started giggling and yelling. Dakota looked forward and her eyes meet mine instantly. Her eyes widened and that look of relief and bliss spreads throughout her face. She slowly walks towards me as I do the same.

"Jamie......" she said softly while she's giving me that smile to die for. Oh how much I've missed my Ana.

"Dakota....." I went towards her, can't even hide the happiness I felt when I saw her and gave her the biggest hug a man can give to someone he lo-

oh nevermind.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and whispered "I missed you, Jamie" in my ear. Her voice. God her voice.

"I missed you, even more, Dakota. How are you?" she looked up at me with so much happiness but it slowly disappeared, kind of like she's looking for the right answer to my question.

"I'm good Jamie, pretty bored doing nothing ever since the premieres ended" she gave me a shy smile that doesn't reach her eyes. What is wrong with my Dakota. "so what about you? how are you, Jamie?"

Oh, nothing just missing you a lot that's all.

"I'm good of course, pretty stressed this past few weeks but I'm that you're here" the words just went out like word vomit. I looked up at her and her face lit up like a bright star in a dark sky. Oh, there's my Dakota.

"Dakie, whater u dowin hew?" Dakota grabs her out of the cart and puts her down on the floor. Before even dakota could answer, dulcie already went behind her and started staring at a sitting Zepellin inside Dakota's cart. They stared at each other for about a minute or two before Dulcie started poking Zep in his belly.

Dulcie grinned at Dakota while Zeppelin is licking her small hands that are rubbing his belly. "Doggie" she let out a little giggle that made me and dakota laughed so hard. Oh, my baby girl is well as this beautiful creature beside me.

Dakota carried Dulcie while she pushed her cart in my direction.

"I'll handle Dulcie...." I was about to grab Dulcie from her arms but suddenly smacks it away.

"No no...I want to hold her, please.....I missed her" she says while pouting. She gave Dulcie a kiss on the forehead while Duclie buries her face on Dakota's neck.

"Are you done buying stuff?" she asked while she's headed to the cashier.

"Yeah, I'm pretty much done when you bumped into me and headed to the cashier than I realized I can't hear my own daughter babbling to me anymore so yeah...I realized she was out and about somewhere inside the store" she laughed harder than she should. Oh, you find that amusing baby.

"You are such a responsible father Jamie," she told me sarcastically while back-handing me on the shoulder.

Dulcie is still on her arms babbling something in her sleep while Zeppelin was staring at me with his head cocked to the side.

"Hi little zep, missed you buddy" while giving him a kiss on the head. Dakota was already putting the things she bought on the counter ready to pay for it.

"You smell like your dog." She suddenly stopped for a while and slowly faced me with a smirk on her face. "Excuse you" putting her hands on her hips.

She slowly walks towards me while I slowly back out while holding my cart "'s a good thing......he smells good" She let out a loud gasp while smiling "Jamie he's still a dog" then punched me hard on my left shoulder. I couldn't help but laugh at her cute and very aggressive reaction.

We made it out of the store when Dakota grabbed Zeppelin out of the cart on her other hand while Dulcie is still sleeping on the opposite. How does this girl have this much strength? She smirks at me and stared at me with a "serious" look. Didn't even notice that I was staring for too long. 

"Jamie, carrying a dog and a baby is not that hard you know"  I rolled my eyes and let out a laugh. 

"I'll take Dulcie now" I grabbed her out from her arms and slowly waking up from her short nap.

"I better get going now Jamie, It was lovely to see you today. I mean really, I was happy to see you" she stepped forward and gave me a peck on the cheek. "I'll see you when I see you. Take care Dornan" giving me the biggest grin. Her smile. Her smile. Jesus Christ.

She waved back at me before crossing the street......before I know it, I was running towards her direction with a very amused Dulcie in my right arm, and a bunch of groceries in the left.

"Dakota" I screamed at the top of my lungs. God, she walks hella fast.

"Dakota" she was looking around the street not even noticing me. Trying to find where that voice comes from.

"Dakota.......Mayi.......Johnson" and just like that she turned around spotting me panting with Dulcie laughing so hard. Seeing her father tired as fuck, amuses her.

"JAMIE" she screamed in shock and jogged towards me helping me out with Dulcie. "What's wrong?"

I stood up straight, still panting from all the screaming and running and bumping people in the streets of new york. So much for my record of running 100 meters in 11 seconds.

"Would you like to go out tonight?"

Her eyes widen for a while, not even sure if she thinks it's lame or cool. Oh, shit Jamie.

She visibly relaxes and gave me a comforting smile. She held my arms and let out a small giggle.

"I would love to Jamie......"

It's a date then.

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