Las Vegas 3 🔥

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Kim Taehyung made two hand hearts on either side of his cheeks and looked straight at the camera. Hobi, Jimin, and Jungkook waved and said goodbye before turning it off thus ending their V live after concert day three in Las Vegas. The BTS members were tired but Tae sprinted out of the room, waving at his bros excitedly as they gave him knowing looks as to why he was in a hurry to leave.

Back at his hotel room, they knew Tae had a special visitor that night. He was still on a high from the concert when he entered the room and found his girlfriend, Jennie Kim, standing by the dresser opposite the king-size bed.

"Taehyung..." Jennie started in a demure voice, sheepishly making eye contact with him then breaking it. "I'm a big fan. I'm so happy you invited me up to your hotel room." Tae watched her carefully as she acted skittish, putting her hands behind her back and looking down at the floor. "You're my bias, you know?" she said in a higher than normal voice.

Jennie looked up at him and smiled. Tae seemed to sense the role-playing she was creating and played along. "Really? Well, I saw you at the concert. In the crowd...wearing that..." His voice trailed off as he checked out one of his favorite outfits on her, a purple knitted blouse and a short black pleated mini skirt with black thigh high boots. "I had to invite you."

"Oh!" She covered her face with her hand as she blushed, the emotion being real and playful at the same time.

"What's your name?" Tae asked, as he took slow strides to reach her.

Still acting vulnerable, she didn't look up at him. "Lily," she said softly.

"Ri-ree?" he asked, in his cute Korean accent.

Jennie grinned and looked into his eyes. "Li-lee."

The couple shared a laugh then continued the skit. "Ah...okay. Lily, why don't we get started?"

"What should we do first, Kim Taehyung?" Jennie asked, acting innocent.

"Sign this NDA," he deadpanned, holding a contract in his right hand.

A rolling laughter escaped both of them which broke the moment. Tae's shoulders bobbed up and down as Jennie covered her mouth and held her side. "Okay I'll sign it," she said, taking the non-disclosure paper contract from him.

When she was done, he threw it on the dresser behind her. "Now, first, I want you to dance for me," he ordered, his voice cool, slipping back into the role.

"Well, I dunno...I didn't prepare anything..."

In one second Jennie had Blackpink's "DDU-DU DDU-DU" playing off her phone and danced the choreo. Her hands made finger-guns, then with arms bent, she brought them back and forth in front of her as she marched/side-stepped forward and backward.

Tae watched, his eyes entirely focused on Jennie. He was ecstatic that once again she took the risk to visit him during his stay in Las Vegas. After a minute of the sexy choreo, his eyes dancing with every move she made, he decided to give the "fan" a break. He pressed the phone screen to pause the song and switch to a Postmodern Jukebox playlist. "Forget the dance. Let's kiss."

Jennie snickered as his lips met hers, his arms snaking around her waist. It was funny how he was acting in this roleplay, really believable stuff. He lead them to the bed, until Jennie felt the edge of the mattress on the back of her knees.

"Wait, Taehyung. Can you please dance for me?"

Jennie looked up at him and batted her eyelashes, knowing a thing or two about acting. Tae couldn't resist her cute dumpling face, how the gold specks in her eyes glistened in the low light from the standing lamp in the corner. He took a step back and started the choreo for "Idol," rolling his hips, putting on a show for her. As she sat down on the comfy bed, her eyes focused on him, she hyped him up with some "oohs" and "yeahs."

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