Jennie's Birthday (IU) Part 2 🔥

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Later that night, after dinner at the resort's restaurant, Tae promised Jennie a special birthday dessert which he prepared in their kitchenette all by himself. While he was busy, Jennie found a red box wrapped with a bow in her carry on suitcase. Since it wasn't familiar, she assumed Tae had slipped it in there as another gift.

Inside she finds lingerie, the skimpy kind. Immediately it puts her in the mood and she wastes no time in putting it on. First she crosses her arms in front of her abdomen and tugs off her white sundress. Then she drags the ruby red lace across her upper thighs, pulling up the one piece. The body suit hugs her curves and stretches out across every inch of skin as it goes past her hips. It already exudes a confidence in her that she loves. In haste to show Tae, she quickly covers her chest with the barely there fabric, before sliding the straps on her shoulders.

Jennie checks herself out in the bedroom mirror, smirking at her reflection with her hands on her hips. Satisfied, feeling sexy and powerful, she's ready to take on the world, or at least Tae tonight.

To see if he matches her energy, she sways into kitchen and plays "Fantastic Baby" by BigBang off her phone. "Hi, Tae," she says coquettishly.

His jaw drops to the floor and his eyes glide down to take in her body in the sexy lingerie. "Uh!" he gasps loudly. "Oh! Hello, gorgeous!"

At the chorus of the song, Jennie does the choreography and Tae passes her vibe check with flying colors by copying her moves enthusiastically. The dance turns sexy as they wave and roll their bodies together to the music. Then he pauses to lick his lips over and over again, his eyes darkening with lust. A groan escapes him and his hands hover over her front, not knowing what to do with them.

Blinking from the sudden distraction, he flashes her a smile. "I'm so glad you found your present. But I need you to go to the couch and wait for dessert."

"Okay!" she obeys excitedly.

Not a moment later, Jennie waits for him on the couch and whips her head in his direction at the sound of his voice.

"Here's your dessert!" Tae exclaims, sauntering over to her, buck naked.

She whoops and hollers, gazing at him in wonder. The sight of his nudity and erection is something that never fails to make her insides twist and turn. "Oh my goodness! Hello, gorgeous!"

Her fiancee approaches, huge smirk across his lips, holding two small plates of strawberry-mango cake. Her mouth slightly open, she looks at him from head to foot and drinks him in. Tae's well defined muscles and his sexy V-line make her drool with delight. "Happy birthday," his voice low and smooth.

"Oh my gosh!" Jennie yells, covering her mouth in amazement, keeling over in her sitting position. She watches his every move, the way his honey golden skin begs to be touched, as he places the two plates on the coffee table. "Screw that. I'll take you instead. You're a dessert. Wow!"

"I won't argue with that," he grins. "I am your dessert." To show what he means, he sits next to her on the couch and runs his fingertip across the side of the slice of cake. Bringing it to her mouth, she closes her lips around his finger and sucks the whipped cream frosting off of it.

"Yummy," she murmurs before gliding her tongue between her lips, her eyes ablaze with lust.

" sexy," he responds, gripping his bottom lip as he reaches back to the plate, taking one of the strawberry pieces from the middle layer, placing it between his teeth, and positioning his mouth above hers to feed it to her. She bites into it, taking a piece into her mouth, pressing her lips to him in a playful kiss making both of them giggle.

They kiss intensely for a moment before he breaks away to gather more cream from the cake. After pausing for a second to admire her, he bites his lip and cocks his head to the side saying, "Your lips look delicious."

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