New York Adventure 🔥

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It was late August in New York City and a certain K-pop idol texted her boyfriend...

Blackpink in your area 🖤

Hey where r u?

Just checked into hotel room. The view of Central Park is am-ah-zing!

We need to talk about the pics. Why are you so calm?


I'll be right over

Jennie Kim and Kim Taehyung arranged with their managers to secretly have the couple meet. When Tae heard a knock on his hotel room door in downtown Manhattan half an hour later, he was still wondering why his girlfriend was acting like nothing happened. When she entered, she was holding a takeout bag from Gray Papaya's Hot Dogs.

"I brought food!" Jennie exclaimed, as she walked past Tae and set up at a round table in the corner of the spacious room.

Tae blinked and stared at her in confusion. "Don't you know what happened today?"

"Oh, the leaked photos of us on Jeju?" she asked, unbothered, taking a big bite of the warm, steamy, hot dog. "Of course."

"Did you get in trouble with YG?" he said, finally taking a seat next to her.

"I'm not the one who leaked them, Tae," Jennie said, wiping some ketchup from the corner of her lip.

"I mean...not you...but aren't they mad? Aren't you mad? I feel so guilty this happened to you. I'm sorry about what might happen. All the hate you'll get-"

"Babe, calm down, breathe," she interrupted him. "My company's not happy that I got hacked. And I'm sure yours isn't either. Let's just hope they find the hacker and release a statement denying that they're real and that it's a private matter between you and me."

Tae exhaled deeply, calming himself down. "Lots of fans are saying they're fake. A good Photoshop job. So maybe we have nothing to worry about."

Jennie licked her lips and nodded. "Hopefully. In fact, I already deleted all my followers from my IG account."

He sighed in relief and reached for her hand. "How are you so calm about this scandal?"

She put down her food and stared into his big brown eyes. Her expression showed that something was bothering her about the whole incident. "Honestly. I'm trying really hard to be calm. I was scared."

Tae scooted closer to her and rubbed her back. "Talk to me. What are you thinking?"

"Please don't judge me." Her voice pleading, he continued to make circles just below her shoulders. "I wanted to avoid talking about the whole thing because...cause..." Her words caught in her throat as she suddenly felt stupid for her admission. "I thought you'd be so mad at me that you were going to break up with me."

Tae twisted his face in confusion and wrapped his arms around her. "Jennie..."

They shared an embrace as she continued explaining. "I am really trying to stay strong and not let this bother me. But I thought this might be the last straw for you, especially after the picture of us in the car at Jeju went viral." Tae let go of her to give her his full attention. "I thought maybe you would decide that you've had enough and that the company was right that we shouldn't date and the risk-"

Tae silenced her doubts by planting a warm, gentle kiss on her lips. Then he pulled back to look at her, cupping her face in his hands. "Don't be pabo. I love you. You know that. This doesn't change how I feel about you."

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