Come Be My Teacher Pt.3 (AU)

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COVID sucked. As Jennie packed her suitcases, she thought about Taehyung and how she wasn't even able to say good-bye to him. Yumi stopped giving him lessons and she didn't have his number. She said they had never directly contacted each other, only the company set up their lessons. 

If he really wanted to finish working on his song together, couldn't he get in touch with Mom? Or maybe when she pressed that "leave call" button on the computer and the screen went black, I was out of sight, out of mind... Jennie thought to herself.

He, however, was not out of her mind. Jennie went further down the rabbit hole of YouTube videos. She watched a lot of performances and noticed how Taehyung was a magnetic performer, her eyes always went to him. Of course all of the members had good stage presence, but there was something about him that drew her in. His tall, lean body danced effortlessly and he knew how to work the camera with a smoldering look. There were also videos of Taehyung doing aegyeo, grooving to music in a sexy way, really feeling it, being savage at times and even one called "Taekook" that made her turn it off right away.

One song, "Pied Piper," had Jennie do a double take when she heard the lyrics. "It's a bit dangerous but I'm so sweet

You called me, see?

I'm so sweet

Follow the sound of the pipe

I'm taking over you."

And they were taking over her. Unfortunately, not only could she not stop watching their "video clips, pictures, tweets, V app, bon voyage," as the song said, but she had met one of the members and that made it extra dangerous. Jennie was desperate to do something, but what could she do?

Suddenly, the doorbell rang in their apartment. When Yumi opened it, she found Chan standing there.

"Good evening, Mrs. Kim, I have a message from Taehyung," he said.

He walked past the mother and stopped in front of the daughter. He handed her a folded piece of paper and her eyes got big. A goodbye letter? Or maybe the rest of his song? Jennie took the paper as her mom stood there with her arms crossed.

"We don't know this man very well," Yumi said, her eyes narrowing at Chan.

"He's Taehyung's bodyguard."

Yumi shook her head. Chan stood there, looking down, seemingly waiting for Jennie to read the letter. Yumi peered over her shoulder as Jennie opened the paper.

"Jennie, I don't know you very well but a voice in my head is telling me that I hope you stay in Seoul. I wish to believe it is destiny. If you want to stay, go with Chan and he will bring you to an apartment in my complex. The company owns it and you can live there. Come be my teacher. I'll understand if you say no. But please, gajima."

"Don't go"? A smile formed on Jennie's lips, from ear to ear. Here was an invitation to live close to Taehyung and be his tutor. Dreamily, she started walking toward Chan and into the hallway.

Yumi grabbed her arm. "What are you doing, Jennie? Think first!"

Still looking at Chan, Jennie answered in a daze. "Eomma, I'm following the sound of the pipe. I can't help what I like. He 'pied pipered' me..."

Yumi forced Jennie to face her. "How do you know this is real? What if it's a trap? What if someone is trying to kidnap you?"

Jennie looked into her face, full of disbelief and terror. But it couldn't get Jennie out of her trance. "I know it sounds crazy. But like the song says, it's dangerous, but sweet. I can't leave without seeing him again."

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