Blue: For Us 10 (AU) 🔥

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"Dang! Your dad's house is amazing. Bigger than the one I bought my parents."

Jennie, smiling from ear to ear, leads Tae up the grand spiral staircase, holding his hand, as he looks around in awe. She takes in the spacious upper level bonus room right next to her moderate-sized bedroom. "Yeah. I'm gonna miss this place," she says, taking the last steps of the stairs.

"I'll start making room in my place for you. What things would you need to make it feel like home?" he asks, with a giddy smile. Noticing how Jennie stops in her tracks by his comment, he stammers. "Oh? you not want to move in with me? Is it too soon?"

Home, she thinks to herself. That word hits her in a way she wasn't expecting for she hasn't been truly home for more than a year. Moving out of the apartment she shared with Lisa, crashing on the couch at her mom's place, and then rooming with her dad. Now Tae's apartment would be her home?

 "Tae, my neck hurts from the whiplash you're giving me. Let's talk about it later," she answers with a grin, pausing in the hallway.

He gives her a light kiss on her lips. "Aah...okay."

"Hey, let me show you the view off the balcony."

With a spring in her step, Jennie grabs his arm, pulls Tae through the bonus room to the sliding glass doors. As they step outside, they're met with a chill in the nighttime air, but the twinkling lights of the stars and the city make up for the weather.

"This view is gorgeous. Do you come out here often?" he asks, as he moves behind her, his head brushing the side of her face.

"Yeah, this is where I usually- oh- umm..."

Tae squeezes her tight in a back hug. "Hmm?"

Jennie keeps it to herself that they are standing in the same spot where she took that certain video call many months ago. She swats away the memory in her mind. "Hey, let me see the ring again."

Happily obliging, he fishes into his pocket, then with his arms still around her, opens the small box by her chest. With a nudge from him, she figures out he wants her to stretch out her right hand. When he slides the ring onto her third finger, the coolness of the gold metal prickles her skin and Tae's warm touch makes her tingly inside, then the reality hits her that it's official. They're engaged. 

"Do you know what I want for Christmas?" he asks, his eyes circling the balcony's winter decorations.


"This." He leans forward and tilts her chin toward him with his finger to give her a soft, sensual kiss. "I want you."

Jennie's cheeks go crimson at his words. "Oh, I want you too. I can't think of a better present." She sighs contentedly, her eyes boring into his. "But I need you to be completely honest with me from now on."

He nods his head against hers, his soft hair against her skin. "I promise to be true, love."

Tears well up in her eyes as if someone is cutting onions and his term of endearment makes her heart go pitter-patter. As he trails his lips along the exposed skin by her neckline he adds, "I wish I could stay longer but I gotta book another flight for tomorrow morning."

With a vivacious look, Jennie murmurs, "Then we got things to do before you go."

His dark chocolate eyes, swirling with excitement, pierce her soul. "I love when you initiate things."

A moment later, they are in her bedroom, Tae guiding their bodies to fall back onto the downy mattress, her hands hugging his neck as he removes his brown Louis Vuitton jacket. "I'm so happy my angel brought you back to me."

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