Come Be My Teacher Pt.4 (AU)

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At their next lesson, Jennie tried not to think about the fact that Tae probably knew she liked him. He was sitting on the couch doing a lesson on the Duolingo app when she looked out the window and sighed. She hadn't been outside in three days. The walking trails of the apartment complex were roped off to encourage people to stay inside, for their safety. The only human she saw in person was Tae.

"Do you want to go for a walk with me? I'm sure there's a park nearby that's open," she asked, hope in her voice.

Tae looked up from his tablet. "You can go by yourself. We cannot be seen together remember?" She groaned. He patted the part of the couch next to him. "Sit down."

Jennie giggled at the way he said "sit" in his Korean accent. He returned to his lesson and read a sentence. She caught herself staring at him. She never knew she would find a young Korean man speaking English with an accent so endearing. When she heard the words, "you're pretty," Jennie shifted her stare to his tablet.

"What did you say?" she asked.

"That is what it says in Duolingo," he said with a smile. She tried to peer over his shoulder to look at the screen, but he pulled it away. She thought of hitting his arm playfully but restrained herself. It was probably in the contract not to touch the members of BTS. "How do you spell 'travel'?" he asked.



" you."


Jennie noticed him typing the letter "u" on the keyboard and laughed. "No. V. Like your name is V." She pointed at him for emphasis.


His face was close to hers and he gave her an intense look. She still wasn't used to him being a close talker. "V-e-l," Jennie said softly.

He glanced at her finger still pointing at him. Then he touched it with his own long index finger. It excited Jennie that there was skin to skin contact. That's the 4th time he touched me! she thought to herself.

Jennie had to tear herself away from his big brown eyes so she could remember to breathe. Plus it didn't help that there was a chance he knew her true feelings. Embarrassed, she stood up and walked toward the kitchen.

"Uhh...I have to start my next English lesson so....uhh...thanks for coming over and bringing lunch."

"You are welcome." He watched her throw away empty chicken barbeque containers. "BBQ!" he singsonged. His cuteness made her laugh.

Tae got up from the couch as Jennie followed to walk him out. When he reached the door, he put on his shoes and said, "I will see you tomorrow."

"Oh...uh...Tae, that would bring us over five hours of lessons. The contract says-"

"But I like spending time with you, Jennie. So...tomorrow?"

Jennie breathed in sharply and nodded. He turned around and she instinctively took a silent sniff of his back. His musky, woodsy scent pleased her senses. When he left, she stared at the door for a second. Jennie was in trouble. According to the contract she was only supposed to be Tae's tutor, nothing else. But she wanted more.


The days of the COVID lockdown became a blur. Everyday was full of lessons online and visits by Tae, those being the highlights of Jennie's days. Besides lessons, she would try to keep busy by watching TV and taking short walks throughout the high-rise building. Afraid of breaking any guidelines, she did all her shopping online and had food delivered. She felt like she was in prison in her apartment with the lack of fresh outdoor air and limited exposure to sunshine. But she had to remember she did this to herself, she chose to stay in Seoul.

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